Alloy (Member)
10-26-99 06:24
No 94051
      Safrole Plants for Aust. Bees  Bookmark   

Here's some native Australian shrubs & trees that I looked up recently for those Australian Bees (like mees) who want the original saffy.

1. Eremophila longifolia
"Berrigan," "Emu bush," "Dogwood"
Grows in limestone soils, inland continental Aust. except Nth Queensland.
Shrub, up to 6m tall. Flowers nearly all year round.
Leaves contain safrole + methyleugenol, also tannins.

2. Zieria Smithii
"Sandfly zieria," "Sandfly bush," "Lanoline bush"
Grows in sandy forest & cleared areas, eastern coast from Victoria to Nth Queensland.
Small to tallish shrub. Flowers in spring.
Leaves contain safrole + methyleugenol + elemicin.

3. Atherosperma moschatum
Grows in rainforests and moist gullies of Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales.
Small to medium sized tree. Flowers in summer.
Bark contains safrole.

4. Cinnamomum laubatii
"Camphorwood," "Pepperberry," "Pepperwood," "Brown beech"
Grows in coastal rainforests in Nth Queensland.
Tree, up to 35m tall. Flowering time unspecified.
Bark contains safrole.

5. Doryphora aromatica
"Grey Sassafras," "Net sassafras," "Cheedingnan"
Grows in rainforests in Nth Queensland.
Tree, up to 35m tall. Flowering time unspecified.
Bark contains safrole.

6. Doryphora sassafras
"Sassafras," "Caalang," "Boobin," "Tdjeundegong"
Grows in rainforests of East NSW and Sth Queensland. (Also in Blue Mountains, west of Sydney.)
Large tree up to 35m tall. Flowers in early spring.
Leaves contain safrole.

7. Cinnamomum oliveri
"Sassafras," "Oliver's sassafras," "Camphorwood"
Grows in rainforests of Nth NSW and Sth Queensland.
Tall tree up to 45m tall. Flowers in late spring/early summer.
Depending on the chemical variety of the species, the bark contains either
a) Safrole + methyleugenol + camphor, or
b) Cinnamic aldehyde + eugenol

 Australia Medicinal Plants
 Lassak & McCarthy, 1990
 ISBN 1 86330 061 9

    Te Hokowhitu
(Junior Member)
10-26-99 22:03
No 94052
      Re: Safrole Plants for Aust. Bees  Bookmark   

Kia Ora Matey,

Any of those things in Aotearoa??
Do you have any info on the follwong plants,

KUMARAHAU AKA Gum Diggers Soap. This is a stimulant type tonic long known to Maori. A few years ago some company called Excellsior Pharmacetucals tried to claim a Patent over this plant and another we call Kawakawa, a pepper plant. Now if memory serves me correctly there is some kind of precursor in there??

10-28-99 07:37
No 94053
      Re: Safrole Plants for Aust. Bees  Bookmark   

I had a look around but couldn't find anything to give as an answer to your questions there, Te Hokowhitu.
(Junior Member)
10-28-99 08:46
No 94054
      Re: Safrole Plants for Aust. Bees  Bookmark   

off topic but-- i heard that the maori also had a native plant compareable to morphine? any ideas
10-28-99 11:19
No 94055
      Re: Safrole Plants for Aust. Bees  Bookmark   

zealander I have tried this, its called Pukatea or something. Found this at the Muretu state forest at Wiapu (between Auckland and Whangarei) but its no good.

I want to know if any sassafras producing plants grow here. Will look into it and post about it if I find out anything.

05-14-02 14:34
No 308351
      interesting u can read but you sill are not a jedi  Bookmark   

well the smithi is not verified man have I looked and looked
I even wrote a java search engine to look for me
the info you have found I belive was found in rodiums
safrole faq hrmmm.
well read the bottom dude im an oz bee to but I read every
thing not just some of it.
ok I know I have some new info for ya so hold on to your

aprantly and I have not checked this but I have a funy
suspisian it could be so or it might be eugenol
the boronia safrolia contains huge amount so safrole.
it grows up in costal nsw and it is a soft wood with leaves
kinda fat and juicy. guess what the text I have recived from
my custom java thinga majig says that its the meaty leaf
that is safrole containing. so I think it will be an easy
case of removing the oil.
any way look it up and tell me what ya think otherwise
im off to dig roots.

remeber its not about the drugs mate its about the music
ye right :)