demorol (Stranger)
09-13-01 11:30
No 213152
      Isobutanol  Bookmark   

I have found 2.5 L flask of Isobutanol at a local hardware store. Now I'm wondering if it can be used as a substitute for Isopropanol (IPA).
Give me some chemicals and I'll give you pleasure
(Chief Bee)
09-13-01 11:47
No 213160
      Re: Isobutanol  Bookmark   

For what purpose? Isobutanol would be more of a hassle to work with than IPA.
09-15-01 00:46
No 213797
      Re: Isobutanol  Bookmark   

For MDMA synthesis of course.
Give me some chemicals and I'll give you pleasure
(Chief Bee)
09-18-01 04:43
No 214731
      Re: Isobutanol  Bookmark   

As a solvent in the Al/Hg? For the crystallization step? I don't think it would be a good substitute, but it may work. Due to its higher boiling point it will be harder to remove, and it smells disagreeable too.
(Old P2P Cook)
09-18-01 23:29
No 215027
      Re: Isobutanol  Bookmark   

and it smells disagreeable too.

Disagreeable? And I thought you said that you liked to smell and taste your chemicals. When the wife and I go to the local home improvement megastore I let her go look at the live plants while I get off sniffing the pesticides.

(Chief Bee)
09-19-01 00:04
No 215050
      Re: Isobutanol  Bookmark   

I like to smell new chemicals to know what "feeling" they have (for lack of a better word), but with some smelling them once is more than enough.
09-19-01 01:53
No 215079
      Re: Isobutanol  Bookmark   

Here's what to do with Isobutanol:

Isobutanol is the preferred solvent in a very simple fairly OTC method for making none other than Mexamine.
- Go to your health store and buy some Melatonin caps, enough for about 1g melatonin.
- Get some sodium dithionite from your local chem supplier.
- Chuck togerther, reflux a bit, workup and viola!! Mexamine

Now proceed to smoke 10mg of the freebase and get blasted to machine elf city.

Look on Rhodium's site for the Mexamine synth, it works and is fairly simple to perform considering it's a tryptamine you're making.
(Chief Bee)
09-19-01 02:44
No 215088
      Re: Isobutanol  Bookmark   

Is mexamine psychoactive? Are you mistaking Mexamine (5-methoxytryptamine) for 5-MeO-DMT (N,N-dimethyl-5-methoxytryptamine)?
09-19-01 05:15
No 215108
      Re: Isobutanol  Bookmark   


Sorry about that chief. I believe it is 5-MeO-Tryptamineblush

Yes Rhodium, it is active only when smoked or used with MAO inhibitors. Cood ol' Harmiline.

It is however not quite like DMT, you're more likely to fall asleep than freak out. The 5-MeO-Trypt can be turned into 5-MeO-DMT with MeI and some PTC in DCM right?
(Chief Bee)
09-19-01 05:44
No 215111
      Re: Isobutanol  Bookmark   

Read more about that dimethylation in Post 208020 (Lilienthal: "You can't dimethylate tryptamines with MeI or DMS", Tryptamine Chemistry). I would advise you to use NaBH3CN reductive amination instead: ../rhodium /dmtsyn.txt (bottom of file).
09-19-01 06:00
No 215112
      Re: Isobutanol  Bookmark   

Thanks Rhod

you think I can get away with substituting borohydride for cyano borohydride?
09-19-01 06:03
No 215114
      Re: Isobutanol  Bookmark   

I found IPA very chep now, so I think I will use it rather than Isobutanol. Thanks Rhodium anyway.
Give me some chemicals and I'll give you pleasure.
(Chief Bee)
09-20-01 03:35
No 215511
      Re: Isobutanol  Bookmark   

I think cyanoborohydride is needed here, but feel free to prove me wrong, it would be nice if regular borohydride would work.
09-20-01 04:38
No 215531
      Re: Isobutanol  Bookmark   

Oh well, I'll probably do Borohydride one day when I feel lucky ..... and rich mind you.tongue

Is Cyano borohydride a lot more suspicious to get? I don't want to piss my supplier off by asking for things I can't have.
(Chief Bee)
09-20-01 08:07
No 215598
      Re: Isobutanol  Bookmark   

NaBH3CN is more suspicious than NaBH4, because NaBH4 has a broader range of uses, while NaBH3CN is almost exclusively used in reductive aminations (which are popular in clandestine chemistry as you know).
02-05-03 01:39
No 404668
      NaBH3CN purchase  Bookmark   

I don't believe NaBH3CN is a death wish to purchase. It ain't gone the way of Red Phosphorus just yet. Of course be safe, don't get it sent to home address!

I used my glassware to make beef stoganoff. It was exellent!