flipper (Newbee)
12-18-01 20:06
No 248725
      prep. of THF  Bookmark   

I don't know if this is already been posted but whatever. This is a nice patent for the preparation of THF using 1,4-butanediol and an acid catalyst. The patent is from this year. US6316640 (http://l2.espacenet.com/dips/bnsviewer?CY=ep&LG=en&DB=EPD&PN=US6316640&ID=US+++6316640B1+I+)
(Chief Bee)
12-18-01 20:17
No 248726
      Re: prep. of THF  Bookmark   

Thanks, but I believe most people would like to go the other way around... tongue

Can you find any good references on 4-chlorobutanol and/or 4-chlorobutanal from THF too?
(Hive Bee)
12-19-01 00:28
No 248772
      Re: prep. of THF  Bookmark   

4-chlorobutanol (http://l2.espacenet.com/dips/bnsviewer?CY=gb&LG=en&DB=EPD&PN=GB2040920&ID=GB+++2040920A++I+)

(Chief Bee)
12-19-01 03:52
No 248830
      Re: prep. of THF  Bookmark   

Thank you!
(Hive Bee)
12-31-01 07:01
No 251528
      Re: prep. of THF  Bookmark   

Se arent you glad you started accepting new beez !


Gott Mit Uns!
(Chief Bee)
12-31-01 16:21
No 251583
      Re: prep. of THF  Bookmark   

Huh? We did not accept new registrations until one or two hours ago...
(Hive Addict)
12-31-01 16:26
No 251585
      Re: prep. of THF  Bookmark   

Cool! Glad to see The Hive is open again. smile

Vivent Longtemps la Ruche!