amanda (Stranger)
01-08-02 09:55
No 253938
      What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

Can anyone tell me what someone might expect to be asked if she walked into a business that sells essential oils and asked for a quantity of sassy (let's say less than 32oz)?

Is ID a requirement for it now?

What about buying it online and having it shipped somewhere?  If someone with no criminal history, no reason to be watched, just up and ordered this type of quantity from a web site is there any reason to expect a knock on the door (or a phone call) from someone (be it a company rep or a govt. agency)?

I have this friend who is sufficiently paranoid about buying it that she would love to hear some tales of how the transaction took place from someone who has bought this (perfectly legal) substance lately.

Oh, this is directed primarily to the kids in the US :)



Help stamp out, abolish, and eliminate redundancy!
(Hive Bee)
01-08-02 11:57
No 253968
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

buying sassafras oil online is by no means a safe prospect. While you may order sassafras and appearantly get away with it, rest assured that the dea will be watching. You probably wont get a knock on the door until you order a combonation of suspicious substances or glassware.

a health food store is another story, you might be able to get away with buying much without anyone knowing. however the dea is clamping down on sassafras suppliers so your rare health food store probably wont be selling it for long.
(Hive Bee)
01-08-02 14:38
No 254006
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

if you are serious about making soap, then you shuold consider other means of getting safrole and decide if they would be a worthwhile replacement for online orders.
(Hive Addict)
01-08-02 19:48
No 254063
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

Another thought....... when buying it, it is always better to order other esent. oils along with it....  Lavendor oil has a very nice smell...

They will prob. think less of it if you order multiple types of oils..

although this can be expense..

I have even heard of a tale in which someone ordered a few bottles of sass, as well as other kinds of oils...  What was mentioned on the the packing list/outside of box??? 

Nothing but the other oils, no sass mentioned....  but yup, it was in there!!

Man, I wish that would happen to me!!!


"The gods are too fond of a joke."  (Aristotle)

(Hive Bee)
01-08-02 20:11
No 254071
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

"Nothing but the other oils, no sass mentioned....  but yup, it was in there!!"

Do you remember this story well enough to recall if the labelling mistake was accidental or arranged?
(Junior Service Representative)
01-08-02 20:17
No 254074
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

Just understood to be prefered cool,

(Chef d'Equippe)
01-09-02 03:20
No 254209
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

If one chooses and researches a source carefully prior to ordering, all other concerns will vanish. Baal has acquired
over 15 gals. of sassy in the past 3 years without ever showing ID or providing a signature. Said oil has been purchased 'in person' and mail ordered. The DEA checking sassy orders is a joke, they do have a rigid investigation criteria. Exceeding threshhold amounts & certain combo's of chems is what they are looking for. Dont put all your eggs in one basket and you'll be just fine.

(Hive Addict)
01-09-02 05:06
No 254257
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

Do you remember this story well enough to recall if the labelling mistake was accidental or arranged? 

According to the story, this was not pre-arranged.. but it sure doesn't/didn't look/sound like an accident!!

I heard that the guy in this story called them 2x bitchin about where his shit was......


The DEA checking sassy orders is a joke

Sounds like this was pre-WTC........

Heard things are tight now....

"The gods are too fond of a joke."  (Aristotle)

(Chef d'Equippe)
01-09-02 10:03
No 254337
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

This time last year, Baal received 5 gals. via mailorder.
There are other sources for safrole that are less conspicuous these days.
WTC?= world trade commission. Baal went to Seattle and took part in the WTC riots, what a blast that was. Stoning the cops was awesome. cool

(Hive Bee)
01-09-02 17:51
No 254425
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

Hell I thought he was suggesting that since the World Trade Centers collapsed that the FBI was really cracking down on those sassafras oil purchases.

No One's Jurisdiction
(Distinctive Doe)
01-09-02 18:29
No 254429
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

Why would those bee related??

I hate my government, does this mean I'm a terrorist??
(Hive Bee)
01-09-02 21:39
No 254473
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

yes ask your sig other what scents they like and buy them oil to and some unscented 11 inch incence sticks or unscented aroma bubble bath. give it to them as a gift.

flat bottom flask + vaccum = BOOM
(Hive Bee)
01-09-02 21:52
No 254479
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

Why would those bee related??


No One's Jurisdiction
(Hive Addict)
01-11-02 05:13
No 255059
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

WTC----  World trade center......

you must live under a rock.....

"The gods are too fond of a joke."  (Aristotle)

(Distinctive Doe)
01-11-02 06:37
No 255098
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

Why would the DEA tighten up on sassy after WTC???

If you are ordering it from overseas, then yes I agree CUSTOMS has tightened up.

I hate my government, does this mean I'm a terrorist??
(Hive Bee)
01-11-02 07:50
No 255122
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

Try ordering other oils other than sassy that still contain safrole. Check the safrole FAQ at Rhodium's.  Or just go dig up some roots.  Where I live, they grow everywhere, plus I have three big trees in my yard.
(Hive Addict)
01-12-02 15:07
No 255598
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark   

Correct Foxy, I am refering to importing.....

"The gods are too fond of a joke."  (Aristotle)

01-19-02 02:10
No 258127
      Re: What to expect when buying sassy?  Bookmark