aquagirl (Vamp-Bee, Retired)
07-12-02 08:53
No 331610
      sodium hypophos  Bookmark   

this stuff went list 1 with rp didn't it?  is it something that can be brought in from overseas, or any other way to procure a small amnt otc (distilled out from plating fluid, or run plating fluid through DI resins like someone-I-know did a few times when experimenting a few years ago)?  Someone-I-heard-of wanted to test some ideas/theories they came up with over the last couple years.

She Who Dances With Hampsters
(Hive Addict)
07-13-02 04:17
No 331925
      Heres a link...  Bookmark   

aquagirl: While Ibee hasn't been able to locate the other info sought just is the link on the scheduling of the substance in question!
It describes some international transaction stipulations also I believe.
In the meantime...Ibee will keep looking in the event no other bees provide it!

Peaceof the reaction

Everything Ibee says should be taken with a Large Grain of Sympathomimetic Amine Salt
(Hive Bee)
07-13-02 14:45
No 332044
      Would this help  Bookmark   

Found this thread learking about...Though SWIM has never tried home brew hypo.

Post 281473 (menthol_man: "Cleaning Hypophosphorus acid", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 293835 (terbium: "Merck Index - hypophosphorous acid", Chemistry Discourse)

But its past SWIMs bed-time, to tired to search through the 735 hits on 'Hypopho'

He who dies with the most toys, still dies!
(Vamp-Bee, Retired)
07-14-02 23:49
No 332502
      clarification  Bookmark   

this is kinda a two part question:

1) did sodium hypophos get classified by the DEA- and if so is it list1, or list2 with a threshold amnt

2) if it did go list1, is there still a method of obtaining it?

She Who Dances With Hampsters
(Hive Addict)
07-15-02 08:08
No 332708
      Clarification!  Bookmark   

aquagirl: question #1: Yes it is #1 listed(see below)and  doesn't list threshhold amounts...
and from all that Ibee understands in regard to question #2 is:
Ibee believes it's still Ghettable but in less concentrated form that needs to be distilled<__me thinks??? to a concentrated form for the purposes of E conversion to M...
He is still waiting on a reply as to exact aquistion source and will let SWIAG know when confirmed...either in this thread or by PM if the sourcenaming restriction comes into question!
List 1 Chemicals

(1)  Anthranilic acid, its esters, and its salts  8530 
(2)  Benzyl cyanide  8735 
(3)  Ephedrine, its salts, optical isomers, and salts of optical isomers  8113 
(4)  Ergonovine and its salts  8675 
(5)  Ergotamine and its salts  8676 
(6)  N-Acetylanthranilic acid, its esters, and its salts  8522 
(7)  Norpseudoephedrine, its salts, optical isomers, and salts of optical isomers  8317 
(8)  Phenylacetic acid, its esters, and its salts  8791 
(9)  Phenylpropanolamine, its salts, optical isomers, and salts of optical isomers  1225 
(10) Piperidine and its salts  2704 
(11) Pseudoephedrine, its salts, optical isomers, and salts of optical
isomers  8112 
(12) 3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone  8502 
(13) Methylamine and its salts  8520 
(14) Ethylamine and its salts  8678 
(15) Propionic anhydride  8328 
(16) Isosafrole  8704 
(17) Safrole  8323 
(18) Piperonal  8750 
(19) N-Methylephedrine, its salts, optical isomers, and salts of optical
isomers (N-Methylephedrine)  8115 
(20) N-Methylpseudoephedrine, its salts, optical isomers, and salts of optical isomers  8119 
(21) Hydriodic Acid  6695 
(22) Benzaldehyde  8256 
(23) Nitroethane  6724 
(24) Gamma-Butyrolactone (Other names include: GBL; Dihydro-2 (3H)-furanone; 1,2-Butanolide; 1,4-Butanolide; 4-Hydroxybutanoic acid lactone; gamma-hydroxybutyric acid lactone) 2011
(25) Red Phosphorus New c  6795 
(26) White phosphorus (Other names: Yellow Phosphorus)   6796
(27) Hypophosphorous acid and its salts
(including ammonium hypophosphite,
calcium hypophosphite,
iron hypophosphite,
potassium hypophosphite
manganese hypophosphite
magnesium hypophosphite
and sodium hypophosphite 6797
Peaceof the reaction

Everything Ibee says should be taken with a Large Grain of Sympathomimetic Amine Salt
(Hive Bee)
07-15-02 08:18
No 332717
      Amounts  Bookmark   

It is SWIM's understanding, and experiance, that Hypo, its salts, isomers,ect... are all Schedule 1.  ANY amount has to be reported to Big Brother.  The vendor has to keep accurate records on all of the transactions for the year.  (Also, if they sell more than 28 g <?> in one calindar year needs also to be reported).  The rulings for RP, WP and Hypo (Also all their salts and variations) fall into the same ruling as far as quanities/amounts.

He who dies with the most toys, still dies!
(Hive Addict)
07-15-02 16:50
No 332828
      any amount  Bookmark   

Hypophosphorous acid and sodium hypophosphite are List I and have no "threshold" quantity. All transactions in those substances are subject to the reporting requirements. Expect a visit eventually from the DEA if you sign for any amount at all. (Schedule I generaly refers to a separate act listing controlled dangerous substances-- List I relates to chemicals and supplies whose distribution is limited and controlled. Different acts, different purposes, same war.)

An education is what's left when you've forgotten what you learned.
(Hive Bee)
07-16-02 16:10
No 333259
      schedule and list  Bookmark   

correctamoondoe-schedule 1 are illegal such as LSD,
Heroin,Quaalude etc.
List 1 are legal,just controlled & have to be accounted for.
(Vamp-Bee, Retired)
07-17-02 23:23
No 333785
      dammit  Bookmark   

I knew swim should have bought a drum barrel full before the info went public.

now, swim- along with some theoretical info from swiFester, ran electroless nickel plating fluid (simply sodium hypo + h2o- of unknown amnt) through ion xchange resins to get a hypophos acid of unknown strength- and used it in small amnts in combination with mbrp in one of the original "nanoscale" runs, and it kept the mbrp from getting gakked.

anyone know if those plating fluid kits are still avail otc? they are 2 part kits, with one bottle apparently  straight hypo+h2o, or sometimes it's just got a little ammonia in it- which would be easily distilled off.

anyone know if it was purchased before it went list1 (in nov I think), if it's grandfathered in?  I know that some of the gbl sellers sold off their remaining stock after it went list1 (although a couple got nabbed on hyped up conspiracy to daterape or something).

if anyone has any pertainent info, please post or pm.  swim has no illicit interest in it, just wanted to check out some theories- or if someone knows another route to hypophos acid, lemme know.


She Who Dances With Hampsters