TheBlindGenius (Hive Bee)
09-16-02 15:07
No 356940
      Gas cylinders  Bookmark   

Swim has seen a huge shed full of gas cylinders, the big kind that are about as tall as a person, and kind of skinny.  They have like a little round black plastic cap on top.  There are various colours.  However, on inspection (from a few hundred feet) there are no labels on any of them.  How would you know what is in them?  By colour?  What colours correspond to what gas?  Oxygen to green, methylamine to ?, Nitrogen to brown?  anyways, should there be a way to tell what's in them if they have no label?  maybe a certain number on the bottom or something of the sort?
(Hive Addict)
09-16-02 15:24
No 356941
      Air = yellow Carbon Dioxide = grey Cyclopropane = ...  Bookmark   

Air = yellow
Carbon Dioxide = grey
Cyclopropane = orange
Helium = brown
Nitrogen = black
Nitrous Oxide = blue
Oxygen = green

I have read several remarks about different manufacturers using different colors for the same gas, so don't rely on the color alone.

there's a big difference between criticizing your government and criticizing your country
(Hive Bee)
09-16-02 19:54
No 356998
      Where I come from manufacturers use these ...  Bookmark   

Where I come from manufacturers use these colors:

Oxygen - blue
Flammable gases - red
Unflammable gasses - dark grey or black
Acetylene - white (sometimes yellow)
Chlorine - green

Life without chemistry would be a mistake.
(Hive Addict)
09-16-02 19:57
No 357001
      Try some social engineering over where the shed ...  Bookmark   

  Try some social engineering over where the shed is IF its a buisness of some sort. 

"I £ my dog"
(Hive Bee)
09-16-02 20:07
No 357002
      sounds good  Bookmark   

problem is, the guy who works there is just a security guard, don't think he knows what's what.  the rest of the people in the company are at the gas cylinder supply about four blocks away.  Now if swim knew which cylinder was methylamine...hmmm....swim is sure he would take a couple hundred.  Swim observed from across the street.  he just saw hundreds of the tall long cylinders like the ones they use for helium balloons.  all different colors.  he could see no labels.  shouldn't there maybe be the name of the gas maybe etched SOMEwhere on the damn things?  Has anyone here ever seen a methylamine cylinder?  if so, what color was it?  Also, do industrial gas cylinder suppliers usually have it, or do they special order it?  remember there were hundreds of cylinders in that shed.
(Hive Addict)
09-16-02 20:26
No 357007
      From the above posts it sounds as if thats gonna ...  Bookmark   

  From the above posts it sounds as if thats gonna vary from company to company.  Swims pretty sure that theres more different gasses then colors of the rainbow, so going by color doesnt sound too smart.  Unless theres a governing authority/body at the regional or state level.  Swiy could check into that.  Best bet would probably bee to talk to someone who makes a living off of welding first.
  Are the tanks grouped by color?  If so, what are the reasons/characteristics of each color etc...  Actually it does make sense that thered bee some governing rule regarding this, although the adapters differ for different gasses (or thats the way swim understands it), it would make sense as a cautionary measure to have different colored tanks especially for welders when they are mixing gasses.  Swiy can ask a local mart employee who handles blowing balloons where they get their tanks, and if they are always the same color for helium 'cause you saw one that was a different color etc...  Build up as much info as you can, and then ask yourself "what is a reason why someone in that company would explain their coloring system (or labeling system) to someone?"  And then work up from there. 
Another possability would bee to watch/find out where an employee (preferably one who directly handles the tanks in some fashion) after work, likes to drink (the idea is to ask the question when and how it wont seem suspicious).  Friendly conversation->where do you work->me and my brother had an argument about how those tanks are colored etc...
Kinda far-fetched maybee, but its an idear.

"I £ my dog"
(Hive Addict)
09-16-02 23:38
No 357063
      empty  Bookmark   

it's probably a storage area for empty cylinders.

my mouth tastes like burning.
(Hive Addict)
09-17-02 00:36
No 357089
      snooop  Bookmark   

You probably need some welding rod, or a couple of carbon arc rods to use as graphite electrodes, huh?

The advantage to the latter is they cost  less than $1.

Mosey in and snoop around.  Probaly you will find a color
code on the wall: or at least see some different color bottles
and go over and see what is stencilled on them....

(Hive Prodigy)
09-17-02 03:51
No 357158
      Steal some samples  Bookmark   

Steal some gas samples from each cylinder and see if you can liquify any of them. Methylamine is not hard to liquify.

Will perform sexual favors for females in exchange for 1,2-dimethylaziridine. PM for details.
(Line Monitor)
09-17-02 14:21
No 357274
      I have yet to see methylamine..  Bookmark   

sold at a industrial gas place. All cylinders should bee labeled. How about a pair of binoculars. I'd bee a looking for cameras and or alarms.

Never ride faster then your angle can fly.