humidbeing (Can't SWIM)
09-27-02 14:13
No 361184
      International orders sassy  Bookmark   

Do USA bees think there would be a problem with an
order coming thru customs?
Thanks in advance.

CG I miss you sweety, I really do.
(Hive Prodigy)
09-27-02 14:31
No 361185
      Right Now?  Bookmark   

Yes, personally I think a large bottle if labeled as sassafras oil would be intercepted in the current state of heightened alerts.

Label it as something like, "Synthetic Chinese White Lotus Oil" or some shit and it should be fine.


Will perform sexual favors for females in exchange for 1,2-dimethylaziridine. PM for details.
(Can't SWIM)
09-27-02 15:15
No 361192
      That sucks, I don't think I can find anyplace ...  Bookmark   

That sucks, I don't think I can find anyplace over here.
How can they seize it if it's not illegal?

CG I miss you sweety, I really do.
(Hive Prodigy)
09-27-02 15:22
No 361195
      Because sassafras has become pseudo-illegal, and ...  Bookmark   

Because sassafras has become quasi-illegal, and is probably on its way to becoming list 1.

Will perform sexual favors for females in exchange for 1,2-dimethylaziridine. PM for details.
(Can't SWIM)
09-27-02 15:45
No 361200
      They would still need a leagal reason to seize it ...  Bookmark   

They would still need a leagal reason to seize it wouldn't they? You don't need a licence or anything to purchase,
so what UScode would they use to justify a seizure?

CG I miss you sweety, I really do.
(Stoni's sexual toy)
09-27-02 15:49
No 361202
      They hold it, and you might or might not be able ...  Bookmark   

They hold it, and you might or might not be able to get it back after completing a bunch of paperwork and signing for it. If that's what you want to do, and if you have a very good reason they will accept then go ahead.

I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.
(Resident Smart Assium)
09-28-02 01:05
No 361396
      I've heard one or two people say they convinced ...  Bookmark   

I've heard one or two people say they convinced their overseas shipper to "mislabel" their oil in order to escape scrutiny...

    τΏτ    --  Anger management? Fuck that!
(Hive Bee)
09-28-02 01:35
No 361412
      It may not bee illegal to import sassafras oil, ...  Bookmark   

It may not bee illegal to import sassafras oil, but it certainly will raise eyebrows, if noticed.  I wonder if they have dogs trained to smell for sassafras, it probably wouln't bee all that difficult seeing how smelly it is.

The above post is purely fictional. Any resemblance to "real-life" is purely coincidental.
(Can't SWIM)
09-28-02 02:39
No 361434
      Well, seeing as evrything seems negative from ...  Bookmark   

Well, seeing as evrything seems negative from some smart bees, swim is gonna let it drop, but there has to be at
least a couple sources still selling good stuff in the
US, but swim just ain't got the money to take one more
fake sass order, and believe swim, it IS there, with fucked up Bps, and all sorts of confusing shit.
 Swims first attempt at amination ever,  resulted in active
product, and the 2nd with a yield.
    Can't get shit out of the fake stuff. The synth ain't that hard to do.
  Just need a good US source, (hint hint)

CG I miss you sweety, I really do.
(Hive Bee)
09-28-02 04:20
No 361464
      even if you do fight the system to get your legal ...  Bookmark   

even if you do fight the system to get your legal sassy oil through customs, you'll be like the dude on Goodfellas, with helicopters following you everywhere.

Who is that masked man?
(Can't SWIM)
09-28-02 04:50
No 361473
      Yup, it's all over. Delete!  Bookmark   

Yup, it's all over. Delete!

CG I miss you sweety, I really do.
(Hive Addict)
09-28-02 19:32
No 361638
      Money issue  Bookmark   

It may not bee illegal to import sassafras oil, but it certainly will raise eyebrows, if noticed.  I wonder if they have dogs trained to smell for sassafras, it probably wouln't bee all that difficult seeing how smelly it is.


Yes and no,

Yea, it might raise an eyebrow, no they don't have dogs looking for the shit...

You have to think about the statistics involved.  How many home x brewers are there in the US.. Very fucking few.  They wouldn't waste the manpower/dogpower on it.. that is fucked up thinking.

you'll be like the dude on Goodfellas, with helicopters following you everywhere.

Paranoid Tweeker.. enough said.

Really, if you think about it, this becomes nothing more than a money issue.  If you follow the proper protocol for a safe delivery, you have nothing to fear other than losing your money. 

"Oh my god, the seized my order and my name is now on a list, and they sent me a seizure notice saying they are going to keep it unless....!!!" 

Well, you dunb fuck, what are you doing using your name!!

Big fucking deal, they seized it... you should only worry about the money, and if you are worrying about the money, you have no bussiness trying to complete the costly experiment...

enough said...

"The gods are too fond of a joke."  (Aristotle)

09-28-02 20:27
No 361656
      2nd that notion!  Bookmark   

Swiw will have to agree with most of that except calling people names.Swiw isnt fond of meth himself.He hasnt looked in the amp forum for over 200,000 posts.and avoids it at all costs.Personally swiw isnt into stimulants.Lets move on to paranoia.A certain degree is healthy in this line of interest.Your only paranoid if your not doing anything right.There will always bee that untill you get aquisitions down.If you care enough to post derogatory remarks.You have enough time to help that person.This is a community for learning.Teach!Less criticism would help.Swiw was lucky to find some good bees that were very giving with the knowledge they held.Swiw new exactly nothing about chemistry when he started.Now hes getting 21 cups of honey from every 25 honeycombs he collects it from.Sure thats small time honey collecting.Give it some time.This is to swiws homebees!tongue

Counting starts by candlelight all are dim ,but one is bright.-GD
(Hive Bee)
09-28-02 21:54
No 361689
      NO, thinking that you can import sassy without a ...  Bookmark   

NO, thinking that you can import sassy without a care in the world about being caught is fucked up thinking.

The above post is purely fictional. Any resemblance to "real-life" is purely coincidental.
(PVC-Analog Taste-Tester)
09-29-02 06:25
No 361822
      Send a box of human feces to customs. :-)  Bookmark   

  Send a box of human feces to

Love my country, fear my government.
(Hive Addict)
10-03-02 00:14
No 363413
      Wrong  Bookmark   

NO, thinking that you can import sassy without a care in the world about being caught is fucked up thinking.

Wrong, that is not what I said.  You have to use careful planning when ordering...   try rereading,
specifically "If you follow the proper protocol".  If you don't know what I am referring to UTFSE, or think about it for a while..


"The gods are too fond of a joke."  (Aristotle)

(Hive Bee)
10-03-02 07:16
No 363567
      Yea, it might raise an eyebrow, no they don't ...  Bookmark   

Yea, it might raise an eyebrow, no they don't have dogs looking for the shit...

You have to think about the statistics involved.  How many home x brewers are there in the US.. Very fucking few.  They wouldn't waste the manpower/dogpower on it.. that is fucked up thinking.

That's what you said in response to my post. They would waste the manpower on searching for sassafras, maybe you've forgotten how excellent the government is on spending our money. Importing sassy is dangerous, more authorities would be scrutinizing the package compared to if it was ordered domestically. I'm aware of safe-ordering procedures, but thanks for the FSE suggestion. 

The above post is purely fictional. Any resemblance to "real-life" is purely coincidental.