Chicken (Hive Bee)
10-17-02 06:31
No 369475
      Novelty ID with Ph.D  Bookmark   

If one were to be making a novelty ID and it was determined that it was adventageous to create such an ID with the addition of Ph.D as the suffix, in what way is this ussually printed on drivers licsenses's:
1. Dr. John Doe Ph.D
2. John Doe Ph.D
If somebee with a real Ph.D licsense would take a look, and post up the format it would be appreciated. 
(Hive Bee)
10-17-02 06:53
No 369480
      Novelty IDs w/- PhD  Bookmark   

The only way I've ever seen a PhD recognised on abe drivers lisense has been with the title Doctor. Thus if the name on the ID was to be Joseph John Bloggs, I'd expect the name field on the ID to say :

Dr Joseph J. Bloggs

I've never seen letters from qualifications printed as part of the name/title on normal identification papers. Never seen PhD, BSc, BE, BA- none of them, so I'm sure the correct form is with just the title Dr.

Hope this helps,
