nutlin (Stranger)
10-20-02 20:05
No 370511
      Purchasing large amounts of solvents  Bookmark   

Does anyone know where one could purchase large amounts such of 20 gals of the usual solvents? Im interested in stocking up on solvents,  but before i goto the hardware store and buy it from there in 1 gal cans i wanna know if i can get it in bulk without rasing eyebrows. 

What kind of places should i phone?

Can anyone help?

(Part-time Vagrant)
10-20-02 20:08
No 370513
      if i were to do this, i would get two cans from ...  Bookmark   

if i were to do this, i would get two cans from each home depot,lowes and other hardware store in town every day for as long as you need.....
although why you would want do this is beyond me...hopefully one of the solvents your stocking up on isnt tolly and youre not making TNT...because explosives are aainst hive rulez. crazy
(Hive Bee)
10-20-02 20:11
No 370515
      Solvent aqusisition  Bookmark   

2. Industrial Supply Stores ussually sell both 5, and 55gal containers
3. Commercial paint supply stores ussually stock 5gal, and if big enough 55gal sizes
4. Most city dumps have a solvent reclaimation program and will be more then happy to give you whatever you need for free.
5. Get the DOT#'s off rhodium's site and make a trip to the local train yard with some 5 gallon pails -- never know what you might find.
6. Got to a hardware store designed for contrators mainly, and ask about 5gal sizes of solvents
7. Solvents are ussually less exensive then you think when bought by the drum.
8. That should get you started

DOT# link:
../rhodium /popeye/
10-21-02 01:53
No 370611
      I like the idea of borrowing from the local train ...
(Rated as: dangerous)

I like the idea of borrowing from the local train yard :-)

Do the valves on the tanks need special tools to open or....?

Any info is apreciated.
10-21-02 02:54
No 370633
      For those of you also intereted in the train ...  Bookmark   

For those of you also intereted in the train thing, I found a bigger list of DOT chemical I.D.'s at: