Chicken (Hive Bee)
10-24-02 13:31
No 372285
      New DEA guide to chemical control Regulations  Bookmark   

The newest copy of the DEA/USDOJ chemical control regulations manual can be found at, a 34 page long document detailing everything about watched, listed, and controlled chemicals.  The permits necessary, the method of control, ect. They have tables quantities, and directions for chem suppliers in the document. . this is really good, and for 2002 -- which makes it even better.

(Hive Prodigy)
10-24-02 13:56
No 372291
      Strange  Bookmark   

Phenyl-2-propanone is not on the List 1 Chemical list. Can I go buy now!? Can I!? Can I!? tongue

10-24-02 14:11
No 372298
      Getin started....  Bookmark   

Swim is a new bee to the hive, this might be one of those things that goes into the newbee forum but I'll ask here. Swim is just getting started on his journey, but he looked at the link above and found HgCL2 to be on the "Special Survalience" list. Swim ain't tryin to get busted before he even steps foot in the door. Swim understands that it's used for photography, is there any advice for swim, and what is the Speacial Survaliance list? and how does swim circumvent this?

(Result of Norwegian Drug Policy)
10-24-02 15:04
No 372320
      Can I?  Bookmark   

Mercury can also bee found in mercury switches, thermometers
and thermostats(but not all, check first). UTFSE for a
more complete list.

That list seems a bit "off", or is it just me?


Bee where
10-24-02 15:40
No 372327
      Phenyl-2-propanone is not on the list cause it's ...  Bookmark   

Phenyl-2-propanone is not on the list cause it's a Schedule 1 chemical.  Which makes no sense cause the thing isn't psychoactive (I don't think).  It was placed in Sch. 1 back in the 1980s.

Is the whole day a waste if you are wasted the whole day?
(Hive Addict)
10-30-02 12:19
No 374624
      POS  Bookmark   


2) Point of Sale Messages at Cash Registers: Separately or in
conjunction with “sale quantity limits” programs implemented above,
several companies whose stores have an electronic, or “point-of-sale”
check out system, have programmed an operator message to appear
on the cashier’s register. This message indicates when a customer
attempts to purchase more than the store’s established limits for these
over-the-counter (OTC) medications. In most cases, no other
merchandise may be scanned until the cashier overrides the

I have heard of this, and even know how they would do it, but supprised to see it in the manual..

anyone have this happen to them?

Very interesting read.. good updates

"The gods are too fond of a joke."  (Aristotle)

(Hive Addict)
10-30-02 12:27
No 374628
      HgCl is "specially regulated" over here too.  Bookmark   

Hg2Cl2 is "specially regulated" over here.Note that this Hg(I)chloride not the "usual one" what evil chemists use

A friend with speed is a friend indeed