gabd (Newbee)
11-21-02 19:54
No 382101
      Acquiring p-benzo in north of the border  Bookmark   

Swim was wondering if any new about the status of benzoquinone in Canada? Would it be suspicious to order it from a chemical supplier? As anyone ordered without a problem before? Swim feels like trying a different benzo then the p-green he's been using. Just to see the difference in yields. If SWIM had an account with a chemical supplier, would someone ask about the usage of benzo? Anyone can share their knowledge or experience?
(Hive Bee)
11-21-02 20:21
No 382112
      me too  Bookmark   

yes swim was wondering the same question......If one were to order approx 500g p-benz from canada and have it shipped here, would that look suspicious?  and would the DEA take notice to it?  since afterall it is in canada not the US.  Swim has never ordered p-benz so he doesnt have a clue as to what the relatively "safe" amount to order is.

Theres nothing to be afraid of, just concentrate, and trust the music.
11-21-02 21:03
No 382123
      Getting p-benzo from Canada isn't really a ...  Bookmark   

Getting p-benzo from Canada isn't really a problem at all. Just call and order. Never had a problem if it came from Canada. Takes forever, but that's about it. What kind of yields are you getting from the pea green benzo?

I went into the business for the money, and the art grew out of it.-Charlie Chaplin

(Hive Bee)
11-21-02 21:57
No 382152
      good deal  Bookmark   

well thats good news.....but would it look suspicious to purchase 500g of it?  is that considered a lot to buy at one time? 

Theres nothing to be afraid of, just concentrate, and trust the music.
(Hive Addict)
11-22-02 10:48
No 382311
      Novelty ID plus maildrop (not used for more than ...  Bookmark   

  Novelty ID plus maildrop (not used for more than a couple of months, then a new ID with a different name is used at another location) should effectivly take care of most of your concearns.  Not to say that this is fool-proof, but if everything is done with a little foresight, everything should bee ok.  As always, park a few blocks away sos noone can see plates etc, and if your really paranoid, make sure not to leave any prints when ya go in and out of the place.  Granted its overkill, but it really helps when you start getting the bouts of paranoia that you know youve done everything in your ability to take care of the variables.  You can look at it this way: there is a certain % that you are going to get caught.  It is a statistical inevitability (specially if you decide to 'share' your goods with other people, which of course, is not reccomended here and is not what this site is about).  Each and every step taken to remain annonymous helps to drop that % just a little bit further.  You protect yourself by chinking away at that percentage with the cumulative effect of each and every measure you take to remain under the radar.  Each and every detail properly taken care of adds up.  You know what they say, 'the devil is in the details'- its true with all aspects of life.  Oh my goodness, blush it seems Ive started rambling again!

Im not the bearded man upstairs, Im a bald guy with a healthy penis. So open yer pie-hole!
(Hive Bee)
11-22-02 11:05
No 382316
      Was asking fellow canadians  Bookmark   

The only thing is SWIM lives in Canada and was wondering. Since it seems it can be ordered from the US to the US, It shouldnt be a problem ordering it from within Canada. Any fellow bees know?
(Hive Bee)
11-22-02 11:16
No 382319
      duh  Bookmark   

Use common sense. If your Canadian supplier will sell it to the US, the supplier will sell it you.

If you guys can't get chems, then deal with it, and don't explain so damn much on the net. You don't think the DEA will do exactly the same thing they did to Palchat?

BTW, someone said ordering alot of P-Benzo looks sketchy in any manner, for only a very small amount is used in photo developing. I don't know how factual this is, but the amount used was only a gram or so. But either way, Im sure you'll order some, and some Pdcl2 in the same order.. fuckin everything up.

Soon it will all be gone. 
(Hive Bee)
11-22-02 11:56
No 382334
      Foolish boys  Bookmark   

Why does everyone keep insisting on the p-benzo route, when p-benzo is increasingly difficult to acquire.  Ever heard of the O2 Wacker?  It works!! Stop being cheapasses!  Oxygen tank setup + glass or glass-lined pressure vessel may be a bit more expensive than p-benzo + RBF + condenser, but you will never have to buy p-benzo or synth it from hydroquinone again!  Oxygen tank:  get it from a medical supply company for your sick grandma.  Oxygen refills:  Cheap and no questions asked.  Remember, you're getting it filled for your grandma.  Glass or glass-lined pressure vessel:  Buy it from a chem glass company or from an auction.  Think of it as a one-time investment!  They make glass ones rated up to 80 psi, and 45 psi ones up to 5 liters.  Or you can have one custom made.  A 1 liter 80 psi setup puts out a good 200g of ketone from not-personal experience.  What are you waiting for!  Open up that wallet!
(Hive Bee)
11-22-02 12:07
No 382336
      Cucl  Bookmark   

CuCl isn't hard to obtain either. A little pricey, but fuck, it's easier to get the P-B and not nearly as nasty.
11-22-02 21:24
No 382489
      Ever heard of the O2 Wacker? It works!!  Bookmark   

Now we're talking. Forget p-benzo. O2 is has really good yields in the 80% range, very common when done as Ritter says.
A KRV (ketone reaction vessel) can be made from a 2L plastic soft drink bottle and will easily handle the 45 psi that you would be dreaming under.

Trust Blind on this one keeping your name off a p-benzo list is nothing but good karma not to mention the shit you save. PdCl and CuCl can be extracted from your ketone and recycled. You do not have to do all the crap on the work up that is needed when dealing with benzo as well.
Just a much cleaner way to go and easy to stay under or out of the radar.
I know its been said before but here we go again. The night you show up at that frist rave with this kick ass shit and share it and those people start telling everyone (man you tried that Roll Swim has) All that under the radar shit will be for nought.
Forget Benzo and do the O2. You are wanting to try and dream a dream that is getting harder to dream. Just learn the O2, unless of course you are LE and are here fishing.

"Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits." Satchel Paige
(Hive Bee)
11-23-02 07:47
No 382597
      Forget p-benzo then!  Bookmark   

After reading many posts on the hive and on Rhodium's site, Swims thinks he's switching method!
Are u telling swim that you can re-use the same 2L bottle with the same PDCL2 and CuCl2? Man Swim definitely needs to try this. Would the yield be better if Swim used an 02 bottle instead of using the 20% or so thats present in the air?
(Hive Bee)
11-23-02 09:11
No 382613
      Yes definately.I wouldn't reccomend trying ...  Bookmark   

Yes definately.I wouldn't reccomend trying without O2 from a tank or your yields will probably be shit even with shakin till your arms fall off.

Bee's don't die,we just multiply.
11-23-02 20:11
No 382712
      ChambeRed is dead on correct  Bookmark   

Would the yield be better if Swim used an 02 bottle instead of using the 20% or so thats present in the air?
   Swim would never dream in anything but pure O2.
The failures of O2 wacker come when just pressurized air is used, the 20% oxygen in room air just does not have enough O2 concentration to allow the wacker to work.
Get a medical bottle of O2 or use the O2 tank from a welding unit. They both have the same concentration of O2 just medical O2 has been FDA approved for human use.
Yes the PdCl is recoverable.
The ketone produced is high quality stuff and much easier to workup due to NO BENZO to remove. You can read that as no ketone destroyed through the awful washes to get the p-benzo out.

"Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits." Satchel Paige
(Hive Addict)
11-23-02 20:18
No 382714
      do you think that using one of them wrist shakers ...  Bookmark   

do you think that using one of them wrist shakers would provide ample agitation for this rxn?  What about one of them wand-type massagers (a powerful one of course)?

Im not the bearded man upstairs, Im a bald guy with a healthy penis. So open yer pie-hole!
11-23-02 20:24
No 382715
      How about just straping your 2l bottle to a box ...  Bookmark   

How about just straping your 2l bottle to a box fan. Turn it on high. I'm sure that would be enough agitation. Probably a lot better than shaking by hand.

I went into the business for the money, and the art grew out of it.-Charlie Chaplin

(Hive Bee)
11-23-02 20:37
No 382719
      Swim has dreamed that dissconnecting the power to ...  Bookmark   

Swim has dreamed that dissconnecting the power to the heating element in a clothes dryer and securing your krv between two pillows in a single pillow case provides very good constant agitation(give those arms a break!).Just reconnect power to heating element when it needs to be used for more domestic purposeswink.Peace,ChambeRed.

Bee's don't die,we just multiply.
11-23-02 20:52
No 382722
      What about one of them wand-type massagers.  Bookmark   

Although they are great for close encounters they just do not have the whole lota shaking going on needed for O2 to proceed. The idea in the shaking is to expose as much liquid surface to O2 as possible.
The idea behind shaking is as the liquid bounces from one end of the container to the other the O2 inside the container is being mixed around as well.
If you just filled the container with O2 and layed it down then the O2 at the liquids surface would be consumed but the O2 above it due to no circulation of gas would remain pretty much unreacted.
Now if you had a piston going up and down or back and forth that you could attach your KRV to, this would work as long as the shaking was creating small foam bubbles in the reaction vessel liquid and gas was being mixed around as well.

"Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits." Satchel Paige
(Hive Bee)
11-24-02 09:37
No 382843
      Shaker vs stirrer  Bookmark   

Whats wrong with a hevy duty stirrer? Will it not work as well? Can one of those "shakers" be used as a sexual aid of any kind? Thanx.
(Hive Bee)
11-24-02 16:57
No 382985
      As  Bookmark   

long as your stirer is circulating the O2 around with the liquid mix there will be no problem.The main thing is getting the O2 in contact with as much liquid as possible.
The spiceboy KRV laying on its side with a 3" egg stirbar in it rotating at high speed is good to go but I would suggest shaking it every 5 minutes or so just to make sure.
The pressure inside the KRV will decrease as O2 is consumed. This what Spiceboy was talking about when he said the sides of the vessel will become soft.
I know several swims that were under the impression that this meant the vessel walls were becoming weak or that some sort of heat generation was taking place that softened the vessel walls. This is not the case. The walls relax as the O2 pressure drops not from leakage but from being consumed in the reaction.

"Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits." Satchel Paige
(Hive Bee)
11-30-02 07:46
No 384920
      Doesn't the stainless steel casing on the glass ...  Bookmark   

Doesn't the stainless steel casing on the glass lined vessel interfere with your mag stirring. This is my biggest problem with ordering one of those....not being able to stir it magnetically because of steel or stainless steel blocking the magnetic field.

"Swim has dreamed that dissconnecting the power to the heating element in a clothes dryer and securing your krv between two pillows in a single pillow case provides very good constant agitation(give those arms a break!)"

Ha Ha, I was doing this for a while about 2 years ago until the shit became exothermic blew up over a half a dozen times in the dryer. Don't get me wrong, this is an excellent agitation method but you better use a low catlyst to alkene ratio and put pvc tubing duct taped over the bike valve. Even so, when it goes exothermic you better take the fucker out and cool it. You got about 3 to 10 minutes from the time it becomes lukewarm until it blows making your dryer plated with palladium. Destroyed alot of college dryers in my days doing this.