tu_see_bee (Stranger)
03-14-03 08:40
No 417023
      otc phosphoric acid  Bookmark   

now, any observant bee who chugs cola knows that coke and many other soft drinks have phosphoric acid in it. the main problem with such drinks and the extraction of the phos is the large load of other thick syrups, which would be hard to fully and confidently seperate.
in walks 'sweetened Nestea iced tea', a plastic bottled drink distributed by (you guessed it) coca cola. the ingredients as listed:
Water, High Fructose Corn Syrup and/or Sucrose, Tea (Natural Tea Essence and Natural Tea Concentrate from Tea Leaves), Natural Tea Flavors, Phosphoric Acid.
even if the phos is only 3-5 ml per 473 mL listed, that's a pretty good yield at 99 cents a bottle.
any ideas?
(Hive Addict)
03-14-03 09:08
No 417027
      are you nuts?  Bookmark   

even if we take your upper limit (5ml, or is it gram),
that's 94.6 l of coke you'd have to extract (supposing
100% yield)!! if 0.5 l = $0.99, then that's $178
for 1l of phosphoric acid. and my calculations are

(Hive Addict)
03-14-03 09:14
No 417030
      Go down to your local hydroponics shop and buy  Bookmark   

Go down to your local hydroponics shop and buy a gallon of it for few bucks.What you are going to do with it,is beyond me...

For those about to synth,we salute you
03-14-03 09:50
No 417046
      slight confusion  Bookmark   

ahck, swim's an idiot, misplaced that last 4. youse guys are right, about useless. oh well, pursuit of knowledge is always a well placed passion.
(Hive Addict)
03-14-03 09:55
No 417051
      Honesty  Bookmark   

At least you're honest...

Accept No Imitations, There Can Only Bee One; www.the-hive.ws