Glacial_Refluxer (Stranger)
04-13-03 00:12
No 426156
      proper temp for iron sulphide production?  Bookmark   

When fuseing iron and sulphur together what temp is
required? Can this be done in lab glass?

Coke <----lol 
Meth <----Oohyaaa
04-13-03 03:43
No 426194
      think about graphite...  Bookmark   

Fusing iron with anything would require a crucible, not lab glass. Porcelain or graphite?
(Distinctive Doe)
04-14-03 03:09
No 426465
      The reaction of iron and sulfur gives off alot  Bookmark   

The reaction of iron and sulfur gives off alot of heat, if your useing finely divied iron such as steel wool, once its going it should keep going.  Try it on a really small scale to get a feel for the rxn.

Bee careful with H2S!!!