ribbon13 (Stranger)
05-22-03 03:06
No 434711
      Which Xylene to use?  Bookmark   

SWIM knows of an online supply house sells xylene, as well as the MO&P isomers in reagent grade. Which would be best suited for reductive amination?

SWIM wants to avoid Toluene because it is watched. They sell that too. Should SWIM go ahead and get the Tolly anyway/instead?

Would he realize this same lonely desert was the last known home of the Manson family?
05-22-03 06:46
No 434729
      You can pick up xlyene in tha hardware store.  Bookmark   

You can pick up xlyene in tha hardware store. DOesn't get any easier than that.

I went into the business for the money, and the art grew out of it.-Charlie Chaplin