urushibara (Hive Bee)
06-30-03 06:20
No 443423
      a novel alkaloid extraction technique  Bookmark   

I know I have posted this elsewhere here and stuff, but someone moved it to stimulants so I thought I should repost this in a more appropriate forum. This technique is specifically targeted at dmt extraction from plants, but it may well be applicable to other materials from other plants. I want this to get a good airing because the idea is potentially the end of needing sep funnels or basters for home extractors, and possibly a route to better results.

After doing some heavy research on the hive about good pill extraction techniques, I found a method which had very high claimed results and good purity. It involves the use of dry alcohol and nonpolar solvent for extraction to effect a combination defat and extraction and precipitation of the goods into one step. It has been repeated with pills by a number of the bees, so there is a fair amount of certainty about the science behind it.

While thinking about it, and partly inspired by an online friend whom I was telling them about my research, it occurred to me that the same technique should be applicable to other plant materials. I have written a document, a draft and alpha version describing a process which utilises the same principle.

I could go into a bit of detail about the theory, but the document speaks for itself, so here's the link:


I think the basics of this technique are best explained in the new pill extraction tek 'straight to e' Post 440177 (VideoEditor: "New Straight to E -- a novel extraction tech.", Stimulants)

you can't keep peace with a gun
(Hive Bee)
07-03-03 11:25
No 444179
      heat vs vacuum  Bookmark   

a friend of swims suggested the idea of evaporating the solvents out by using vacuum. I shall be utfse so I can tell swim what kind of container is good. pressure cooker and thickwall keraffe come to mind.

you can't keep peace with a gun
(Hive Bee)
07-06-03 04:41
No 444805
      preliminaries  Bookmark   

Okay, SWIM has acquired a quantity of bark, he is not entirely sure it is obtusifolia, but the bark texture is right. the odd thing is that it is bearing pods at the moment and SWIM was under the impression that the tree didn't flower until october or so... so, for these experiments, the stuff that comes out at this point is a bit of an unknown. It could have tryptamines in it, maybe it won't. There is a fairly significant possibility it will have *something* in it

SWIM mixed up turpentine and methylated spirits, and discovered that they are in fact immiscible. ah well, this is an experiment. SWIM happens to know that naptha is miscible in ethanol, so perhaps that will be done in future. The mixture was dried out to a certain extent, swim doesn't know how well, so it's probably not dry. the plant material isn't dry anyway. so swim isn't following his experiment properly... *spank*

He's also using heat rather than vacuum... He rigged up a cork for the cooking container with a metal tube and some silicone tubing to vent off the vapours away from the working space.

The solvent being miscible or not may not make any difference - one advantage is that the alcohol fraction will be clearly visible as to its volume.

The bark had a strong red colour, and the alcohol turned reddish, and the turpentine is gradually turning milky and yellow. He is heating the mixture together to speed extraction.

The colour is being quickly drawn out of the bark, and as the mixture bubbles, every now and then some kind of gunk bubbles up and then dissolves into the turpentine. If the mixture is shaken up it clouds up a lot, I presume this is the defatting taking place. Turpentine certainly seems to suck a lot of junk up...

Well, anyway, there's the preliminaries for the first process run, albeit rather modified from the original, but the same in principle. In future, I think xylene or toluene would be much better solvents, and should remain miscible which is preferable. Also, methanol would probably be better too. This mixture would also dry much more effectively than ethanol and turps.

Oh, on this run, a lot more turps than alcohol was used, just seemed like the thing to do, maximise defatting.

The solvents most certainly are extracting stuff out, but I suppose that is to be expected...

you can't keep peace with a gun
(Hive Bee)
07-08-03 06:18
No 445454
      divergence  Bookmark   

well, since SWIM doesn't yet have vaccum equipment, the testing on this idea will be postponed for the time being.

A modification of the a/b process is under research now instead. Basifying the plant material first is said to remove tannins from the product at the end, and it has been tested and seems to be proving to be an effective method, as well as cutting down on solvent requirements and the need for washing so much.

you can't keep peace with a gun