abuse (Stranger)
09-02-03 05:05
No 456804
      PdCl2 in photography starter kit  Bookmark   

I found a photography starter kit that comes with a few chemicals for developing black and white photos. The kit specifies that it comes with 20ml of palladium chloride, but I've been trying to figure out how much PdCl2 in grams this represents.
09-02-03 16:51
No 456862
      PdCl2-solution!  Bookmark   

PdCl2 is a solid and the 20ml therefore must be a solution of the chemical. If the PdCl2-content is not stated you will not be able to tell how much you got (if you buy it you could findout by titration I guess).
(Hive Bee)
09-02-03 17:36
No 456873
      evaporating solvent  Bookmark   

What about just evaporating the solvent, perhaps in vacuo ?

A Dream Within A Dream (http://www.poedecoder.com/Qrisse/works/dreamw.html)
09-02-03 21:55
      da information
(Rated as: insignificant)
09-03-03 00:29
No 456913
      ya know, how much PdCl2 could possible be in...  Bookmark   

ya know, how much PdCl2 could possible be in that solution anyway? If the entire kit only cost around $100 and comes with a few other chemicals, then I doubt that it's even worth it.
09-03-03 00:42
No 456914
      Re: Subject  Bookmark   

PdCl2 is a solid and the 20ml therefore must be a solution of the chemical. If the PdCl2-content is not stated you will not be able to tell how much you got (if you buy it you could findout by titration I guess).

The above statement is missinformative. As Dr. Vitus Verdagast said, evaporate the solvent and you'll get the desired salt. Pre-weigh (spellcheck) a container and record the mass of it (ma). Add the solution (20 mL) to the same container and apply heat or just let it stand until the solvent evaporates and crystal forms. Re-weigh (spellcheck) (mb) the same container including the crystal obtained and take mb - ma the result is the mass of PdCl2(s) in the container.

Point... Counter Point...
(Hive Bee)
09-03-03 00:42
No 456915
      abuse,  Bookmark   

sorry, donīt know.
(I believe not much, because the price is high.)
But, maybe in bad days, itīs a good idea to get it uncomplicated in comparison with other ways, or get it safer.
I think, if nobody knows that, you must buy it and evaporate the solvent(s), if you are interested in it.
You researched hard on this site or others?
And for da price, itīs maybe relative, but again, donīt know.

Edit: And if you do that, Iīm sure, you will contribute a little...,right?
09-03-03 02:05
      thanks pharmacist
(Rated as: insignificant)