jervis (Stranger)
09-12-03 07:37
No 458552
      needing a little advice about a defat and extract  Bookmark   

I was reading the 'novel straight to E extraction tek' and got thinkin. Would the procedure work to defat/extract on a San Pedro. All the procedures I found had the defat and extract steps seperate. If I looked but could not see, please flame me hard for not trying.
(Chief Bee)
09-12-03 08:31
No 458560
      Nope, stick to verified standard procedures  Bookmark   

The procedures used for pill extractions in the Stimulants forum cannot be generalized to anything else (such as plant materials) as their extraction & washing methods are based on trial and error testing with whatever solvents they can get their hands on, rather than methodical experimentation using a sound scientific basis.
09-12-03 17:42
No 458669
      Okeedokey  Bookmark   

Thanx for the guidance, it was just a dream.