smutboy420 (Hive Bee)
09-12-03 10:21
No 458586
      storing 2C-I     

can 2C-I bee stored longterm? i want to bury a oz of it. inside a jar inside another jar with a drying agent. will this sufice? will it last 5+ years? or does it need speshial storage considerations. i have access to nitrogen gas. would covering it in nitrogen help it keep longer?
(Chief Bee)
09-12-03 10:37
No 458590
      Storing 2C-I     

Recrystallize the HCl salt until colorless and dry it in a desiccator. Stored in a cool, dry, dark place it will last longer than you.
(Hive Bee)
09-12-03 15:14
No 458652
      thanks rodium     

thanks rodium. i don't know how you find the time to read and respond to all the posts on the hive but some how you see to bee able to get to most of them. a truck load of graditude to you.
"Stored in a cool, dry, dark place it will last longer than you." hopefully thats a while. :-)