Scottydog (Hive Addict)
10-07-03 12:29
No 463177
      Vitroceramic saucepans?     

Swim stumbled upon a mailorder catalog listing energy efficient, "vitroceramic" saucepans.

The add claims that food or whatever one might claim to put in it requires a lower heat setting that results in quicker cooking time.

This is the closest Swim has come to a replacement to "Vixionware" for theoretical clandestine chemistry applications. Especially, solvent boils and evaporation, titration with acids etc...

This cookware is rather expensive but looks more appealing than borosilicate coffee carafes and pyrex pie dishes or pyrex measuring cups for microwave heating.

Like vision these sauce dishes can bee heated directly on the stovetop but unlike vision are not see-through.

The company also claims the cookware to bee more resistant when going from one extreme temperature to another. (Can go directly from stove-top to freezer or vice versa)

Anyone have any experience with this product that they would like to share?

Would this particular product bee recommended as a substitute for vision?
(Hive Addict)
11-17-03 12:47
No 471355
      Visionware substitute     

Swim thought he would kill two birds with one stone. Figuring out the "picture proxy" / pic posting thing and give you guys an idea of what these pans look like.

He finally got one in the mail (manufactured in France) and it evaps/boils quite well with water, HCl, acetone, MEK, methanol, isopropanol, ethanol, and toluene directly on a stovetop just like Vixionware.

Solvents approach their prospective boiling points at a much quicker rate then vixion. But once it is removed from a heat source the pan does not retain the heat quite as long. The pan will hit room temp rather quickly while the contents remain warm/hot.

These can bee taken straight from the stovetop and go directly into the refrigerator or freezer!

Not sure if one can do that with vixion always too paranoid to try out of fear that the glass would shatter.

These pans are better then vixion in performance, just wish they were transparent...

The handles actually "lock" onto the pan and can bee removed by pushing a button on the side.

Swim has seen these on internet auction sites.

Swim was pissed when he couldn't find vixionware anymore, but these will work great as a substitute. wink
