01-19-04 20:24
No 483457
      Like This!     

(Miss High & Mighty)
01-19-04 22:35
No 483482

Umm...........well yeah I spose...........kinda like that.

I notice they dont have a screw in rxn flask tsk tsklaugh

Nice pic.
03-30-04 04:12
No 498086
      This picture does not correspond to your device.     

This picture has nothing to do with the device that you have described, if for no other reason than the device pictured is machined and with compression fittings and your device had some designations for pipe thread.  It looks like equipment from a bio fab lab or from a wafer fab diffusion area.

     I was not able to view your original drawing with my browser, but your specs are excessively complex.

     Moreover, great doubt is cast upon the extent of your technical expertise in that of your silly use of Ammonium Nitrate, as if the use of a nitrate would give you more ammonia, which, of course, it does not.  It is difficult to get and is of no additional benifit over the use of something very cheap and plentiful, like ammonium sulfate at $3.00 for 20 pounds.

     The overall sense that is evinced is that you have no idea what you are talking about, you have never done this reaction and that you know no chemistry whatsoever, no even the most basic inorganic reactions.  You probably have never even been in an undergraduate lab.

     Moreover, you reaction conditions are absurd and foolish.  Your temp and preassure conditions are idiotic, preasures above ten or 20 pounds are more than enough and anything above that is evidence of a faulty generator and or dryer design.

     And most seriously, your lack of academic or practical knowledge, combined with your foolsh setup and conditions could get someone killed, quite a disservice.
(Hive Bee)
04-13-04 06:03
No 500565
      The photo above..     

The last pic SwiTT posted was "Sarcastically" replying to the response above it. No where does it claim to be what SwiTT described in original post and lacking the original image one can see how it can be interpreted as such.

 As for "the overall sense that is evinced is that you have no idea what you are talking about".

 The post was about the condenser and the rate it turns ammonia vapor to liquid. SwiTT can care less what is used to generate the ammonia gas. Ammonium Nitrate is easy to buy in these parts, so is Ammonium Chloride, so use what ever blows your skirt up.

 As for pressure and danger, if built properly by someone who has the skills needed to build this, its about as dangerous as your refrigerator. If your not up to it dont try it because then, Yes, You will get hurt(common sense anyone?).  The overall sense that is evinced You obviously have know idea, much less knowledge, of how compressed gases work so SwiTT will try to dumb it down for you.
 The post was about condensing a large amount of vapor into liquid in a short amount of time and to that you need higher pressure than 20 psi. Adding pressure to Anhydrous Ammonia increases the Boiling point temperature. Ammonia boils at -28F if you apply 10 pounds of pressure the boiling point would be higher. The point at which it boils off is the temperature at the point of flash off (Liquid Temperature).

At atmospheric pressure Ammonia boils at minus -28 degrees F.

Add 10 pounds of pressure Ammonia boils at minus -10 degrees F.

Add 25 pounds Of pressure Ammonia boils at plus 10 degrees F

 .... So by increasing the amount of pressure into the condenser it rapidly speeds up process and produces a large amount of Liquid Anhydrous Ammonia in a short amount of time.

(Hive Bee)
04-13-04 06:06
No 500566
      ORIG PIC     

05-06-04 04:04
No 505267
      Old Bureau of Standards Articles
(Rated as: good read)

These old articles from JACS 40 1-45 (1918) by scientists from the Bureau of Standards on the physical properties of liquid ammonia will undoubtedly be of assistance to many bees wink

Chemistry is our Covalent Bond
05-26-04 12:01
      How about, saying something useful?
(Rated as: flaming)