obusted1 (Stranger)
12-03-03 02:38
No 474474
      ID Ammonia Nh3 Tank in Oz     

Does anyone know how 2 identify an AMMONIA NH3 tank in Oz. I UTFSE and UTFSSE. I found that there is not much info out there for us Oz bees most stuff that i read refers to the U.S. I dont expect to bee spoon fed but im at the end of my rope here. Perhaps someone would bee so kind as to tell me to go fuck myself or maybee spill the beans. I just need to know, or where to find info about tank sizes, colors, Id Numbers on tank anything... CHEERS and sorry if i asked the wrong Question, Havnt slept in a bit.

Help me my eyes hurt, blistered gob, need to piss.
12-03-03 23:51
No 474611
      Ammonia Cylinder Colour in Australia     

If you go to a major supplier of industrial & scientific gases in Australia http://www.boc.com.au/ (previously known as CIG) they have a materials safety data sheet at  http://cs.portal.gases.boc.com/ContentServer/ContentServer.dll?get&pVersion=0046&contRep=PGK_KWNET&docId=E9378DDED57E394E9AC347CCD5AE66C5&compId=003.pdf
If you read this apparently ammonia cylinders are: White or galvanised body with a slate shoulder. Good luck "finding" one.
12-04-03 15:02
No 474704
      NH3 tanks     

If I was a member of the bacon brigade, I'd setup cameras on easy to spot NH3 tanks and wait for the tweakers, so simple yet so effective.

I wouldn't steal one if thats what your thinking, obusted1.

heh in fact dont use ammonia at all, your intelligence clearly isn't capacious enough to allow you to handle it without killing yourself.
12-04-03 17:01
No 474731
      There are many other things that could kill me     

There are many other things that could me like making it my self, but i dont do shit like that i was just inquiring for personal knowlege.smilelaugh

12-05-03 01:35
No 474773

you intend synthesizing methamphetamine yourself so that you can rail phat and very potent lines.
This is highly admirable.

But bee so very carely with ammonia, without looking, the ppm (parts per million - thats how much knowledge i think you have) for fatality are very very low.

Anyway, I think your on the right track if you want meth quick, ammonia and the birch.
But bee careful, and simultaneously with searching for a ready made source look for synths to make this magic gas.

Look hard for the material the discovered synths demand as the source of ammonia or fail. It will probably be a fertiliser of some sort.

Work alone and don't ask for help. I'm telling you this specifically so you don't waste time.

you need ephedrine or pfed and a working synth for NH3, or ready made NH3 if you get ultra lucky, but don't set your plans around getting ultra lucky, start looking for an NH3 synth, understand?
(Hive Addict)
12-05-03 16:58
No 474905

The color code for NH3 is white.wink

"Since April, the military says, at least 17 U.S. troops have committed suicide in Iraq"
(Hive Bee)
12-05-03 18:41
No 474917
      you will have to create an account, make sure...     

you will have to create an account, make sure you take your drivers licence, company registration and proof of address along with you :)
Why do people continue to post sources???  in a country like oz this is REAL sloppy. As if it ain't hard enough...  lets just make it harder for the smart bees :(