ADDkid (Hive Bee)
12-07-03 06:15
No 475134
      A question about safrole     

How much time would it take to just distill the safrole for the bark, I saw this place where they sale Sassafras Root Bark for 1oz for 2.00.  Does anybody know how much safrole that it would be. I believe the type is aburium, sorry bout the spelling thanks ADDkid 
P.S. I saw a mech for Phenyl-2-ol-2-ethanol, that I don't believe I have seen here.  Which is toluene--->NBS--->Mg--->CO2---H+, which does not seem to hard.  I just don't know how to apply CO2, this could be convert into P2P
12-07-03 07:21
No 475146
      I TAKE IT     


i take it that you have search long and hard and, far on the hive, and other numerous sites to find this info, or you are just lazy... either way" fucked if i know"

It may be anywhere from 65 to 90% safole, and for the time, i am unsure perhaps a few hours and i mean a few hours remember you are distilling from bark... so make a coffee and have some cake and then sit back, watch some porn, or simpsons either way it is a steady process"

MDMA_ACtIvESts: for the support and prongation of MDMA
12-10-03 22:49
No 475996
      Root bark contains about 4% oil.     

Root bark contains about 4% oil. So if you had 100g of rootbark you would get 4g of sassafras oil. Now the oil contains around 90% safrole which works out to be.... not much. Your better off  going and digging up roots in the wild. All of this info is cover in the search engine. Try it.

I went into the business for the money, and the art grew out of it.-Charlie Chaplin