fnord (Stranger)
12-13-03 07:46
No 476609
      potasium perm     

ive cheaked my local _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ hardware store for potasium perm. any they looked at me like i was crazy and said they didint knowwhat it was. its used in water filters right?
(Hive Bee)
12-13-03 10:18
No 476624
      Try harder, if you are in America there is a...     

Try harder, if you are in America there is a large hardware store chain. Kowe's, Mowe's, Nowe's. You can find it in the plumbing, pipes, and pool accessories, section, somewhere in that general area, only one person in the entire store knew what it was and where, he still had to look for 15 minutes before he found it.

--Word on the street is, You Reap What You Sow
12-15-03 14:04
(Rated as: insignificant)
12-27-03 10:27
No 479331
      Also found in     

SPEARS stores in some states will still shelf a brand sounding like KentMore.

sold as an Iron water filter regenerator
(Hive Addict)
12-27-03 13:39
No 479361
      Have you tried recently?     

Have you tried recently? They replaced that with KOH, large ass almost useless 20lb bags of the shit. I wouldn't waste the time trying if your not certain it carries it, especially when there's a BLowe's within a short driving distance of everyone.

--Word on the street is, You Reap What You Sow
12-27-03 18:10
No 479392
      Grain and fodder stores     

Potassium permanaganate is perenially available from grain and fodder stores that also stock  miticides, conditioners and other livestock products. You can avoid suspicion (assuming any attaches to purchases of KMnO4) by asking for Condy's Crystals which are used to treat mites and mealy bugs in poultry. Recrystallization is probably in order because condy's crystals tend to be clumpy and rounded rather than monoclinic like technical grade KMnO4.
(Hive Bee)
12-30-03 18:02
No 479877

Spears still has Pot. Permanganate.  Some bee was there the other day.  I would not recommend adding formaldehyde to a hot solution of it.. blush

01-13-04 03:10
No 482163
      re: potassium perm     

you can locate this at your local chemist under the name of (condys crystals) it should be sitting on the shelf right beside tincture of iodine or epsom salts cool

smoke weed everyday