indium (Stranger)
12-31-03 17:43
No 480002
      OTC DCM?     

Maybe a very silly question: where can you get OTC DCM in .be/.nl/.de?
(Hive Bee)
01-01-04 03:18
No 480068

I don't live there so i'm just guessing.

I'd say probably the same places it's OTC elsewhere in the world.

Paint stores ("non-flammable paint thinner")
Glass stores ("used for plexi welding")
Home improvement stores + hardware stores (see above)
There might be a paste stripper that it can be distilled out of if you can't find it in "pure" form
Check labels

It's shouldn't be a hard thing to get ahold of.

01-03-04 14:50
No 480236
      distilling dcm from semi-paste adhesive and...     

distilling dcm from semi-paste adhesive and paint removers is shit simple and real quick.  bp is in the 40's so a considerably warmer water bath makes for a fast and steady stream of distilled dcm.  what's left in the distilling flask are mostly polymers that just slide right out.  you should get at least 3L of dcm from most gallons of dcm-containing strippers.  oh, and be sure to use a stirbar.  it can get a little thick towards the end.

but only go through this trouble if you can't find it reasonably pure.
01-07-04 13:18
No 480900
      most places where im from call it methylene...     

most places where im from call it methylene chloride if i ask for dichloromethane they give me a dumb blank stare any fibregass supplier should stock it used for dissolving hardend polyester resins  .....smells good too
(Hive Bee)
01-07-04 22:33
No 480979
      Ugh.. I remember trying to distill some goo in     

Ugh.. I remember trying to distill some goo in a flask, I got tired of messing with the small volumes and just attached a LATEX HOSE to a RUBBER STOPPER and stuffing that into the opening of a 1gal metal can of stripper, which was placed in a larger pot of water on the stove.  Needless to say the DCM was contaminated by the tubing and had a khaki color to it, but that was much more easily distilled in a flask than the goo.  I found that empty hydrogen peroxide bottles hold DCM just dandy, AND they fit right onto 24/40 joints!

The latex tubing was coiled through a bowl of icewater.  I distilled approximately .75l this way.  The reason I used the latex tubing rather than fitting my still head to the can of DCM was that I couldn't get the glass to fit, but I had a 1-hole stopper that fit perfectly.  I should have used copper.

over and under, then back to the start
this sidewalk's bottom is the same as its top
01-12-04 19:03
      du sprichst deutsch ???
(Rated as: off-topic)
01-13-04 05:05
No 482112
      Here in the states...     

I dont know if the manufactures are just trying to throw off Newbees by saying it contains "Alcohols or Napthas" and not getting down to the nitty gritties on the naming but just after the name (it's required in the states) there is a CAS#.  For DCM the CAS# is 75-09-2.  If it says it contains it then EUREKA!!!