Synergetic (Stranger)
08-19-04 02:54
No 526163
      Mr Badger, dont be naive, you have been told!     

Mr Badger, dont be naive, you have been told!
What do you mean by used to be sold? or should i say sdold!

Submission eases suffering!
08-19-04 03:27
No 526182
      listen carefully. good.     

listen carefully.


tolly, used to be otc in the 20 litre drums, as described by a few other bees at an auto type store in queensland.

but now you are required to obtain a chemical license.
it may bee different in other states but not in queensland.

if you can get it otc in queenslannd please let me know..

(arrogant bee of the day)
08-20-04 10:58
No 526437
      We already did, you are misinformed.     

We already did, you are misinformed.
If it were the case that a license were required, then hardware and auto stores couldn't sell any solvent. But assuming it were true, it's irrelevent. Places that sell it already have a license to carry it.
Whom you ask? Businesses that sell all hydrocarbons, they are everywhere.

Riddle me this.....

Where would a Bee Pee?

I'm not fat, I'm just too short for my weight.
(Hive Bee)
08-22-04 05:34
No 526714
      strange shit man, cause i went to this auto...     

strange shit man, cause i went to this auto barn type shop in queensland, who used to sell the nut shell 20 litre drums,which swims source of tolly was in and they said no we dont sell it any more because of terroism you need a chemical license now...

not misinforming just the truth matetongue

(arrogant bee of the day)
08-22-04 12:28
No 526758
      I don't care what they say, don't buy the shit     

I don't care what they say, don't buy the shit at any auto store or hardware, buy it at service station depots!

I'm not fat, I'm just too short for my weight.
09-01-04 22:05
No 528919
      What's all the fuss about?     

Toluene is listed as a category III chemical under the "Code of Practice for Chemical Diversion" in Australia. (June 2004)

This means the buyer - even a non-account holder - DOES NOT have to sign an EUD (end user declaration)when purchasing. If your said reasons for purchasing are sound, you should have no problems at all buying from a Chem wholesaler in Qld. If you're still worried, try a paint/plastics pigment supplier.
09-02-04 08:44
No 529055
      Code of practice for chemical diversion ????     

To the best of my knowledge this code of practice is only binding to the signaturies, I guess you could say it's alot like the Keyoto (Spelling?)agreement on global warming ;if you havn't signed up (Australia, America,....) it's not your problem ! So if you look at that 'code of practice' document and use the list of companies that have signed up as a list of firms not to do business with, you have your self someware to start. As far as this Toluene thread is concerned i may as well have my say.There are many NP that are OTC in Oz that don't require this much effort (Xylene) Start with a google search for the MSDS of the solvent you are looking for, once found work your way back down the supply chain until you find it at a retail level.Really "Toluene, what the f**ck !!"

meat is YUMMY....