fiend (Stranger)
01-21-04 18:38
No 483840

I must get this!  Y'all know why too.  So please don't mock me or post comments about what a stupid asshole I am, Unless you first include all relevant information about BBr3 including a synthesis.  Then you can stoke your own magnificent intellect at my expense.  I am saying please, but as you all know, nice guys finish last.  I agree with Michael Moore about something.  Horatio Alger sucks and so do mythical lands of freedom, mine included.  To the bees in heaven, we all love you, we hope to join you. To all the bees in the cess-pool, thanks for your continued buzzing.

01-21-04 19:05
No 483843

In reference to your opiat questions
I guess you need it for the Oxymorphone synth.

Well what I know the less suspicious BCl3
could be used too.
01-26-04 04:40
No 484603
      HBr is an alternative to BBr3 in that specific     

HBr is an alternative to BBr3 in that specific synthesis.  It can be made from OTC materials.  Many threads exist on this subject.
02-05-04 02:07
No 486458
      i started a thread a couple years ago called...     

i started a thread a couple years ago called "Boron TriBromide or bust" (UTFSE) it detailed the synthesis of that reagent. It is nasty stuff, i doubt you could(or would want to) make it in a kitchen or ghetto lab.

you might consider checking out an MSDS on it while you are at it.

We are all just witnesses.