ApprenticeCook (Stranger)
03-04-04 04:48
No 492925
      Govt lab auctions     

Swim is in some need of bee advice....
Local govt lab is holding an auction, guess what they have, everything swim needs, well already has but wants more to have spares, swims a clumsy asshole who has broken a fair few things in his day.... shockedblush

Back to the point.... The auction has glassware and fume cupboards EVERYTHING! swim could buy up and setup a pro cleanroom from the shit they have... BUT....

Hows it going to look if swim cruises in with a big fat checkbook and buys next to everything there. crazy

Even IF swim only buys one or two glass pieces is it a setup? im paraniod, but have remained safe in being so...
Just to put it out there who thinks its bad idea to buy at a well advertised govt lab closing down auction? or who thinks it may be an alright idea....
(Hive Bee)
03-04-04 12:13
No 492994
      Lab auctions....     

What i would do is go in buy the lot or what you can afford, keep what you want then sell the rest in lots or whatever through e-bay. Doing it like this gives you a reason for buying, and also a reason for having any glassware at home if the plod ever turn up to bust you. Your excuse would be, i picked a heap of stuff up at an auction dirt cheap and figured i could make a profit selling via e-bay and since you sell some of the useless stuff via e-bay, you then have some proof, in your favour that it was not for illegal use. Thats the avenue i would take.

I'm not racist,
I hate everyone.
(Hive Bee)
03-04-04 12:41
No 493000
      do what he said(8ball)     

except get a friend to make the purchase

disregard that post
03-04-04 16:43
No 493046

I hope you do this. I'd love to see the government playing a key role in bring some of our beloved psychoactives into the world.
03-04-04 18:01
No 493063

Haha, it would be funny, the govt who work so hard to limit supply lines are turning around to become one themselves! thats why swim thought it was a bit suss...

but yeh swim will go have a look around again, display before auction time, and make lists for a friend to bid it. Sounds good thanks for the advice.
03-06-04 00:50
No 493373

Did you consider the possibility the sale is a DEA trap? They have sold sassafras oil before, so why not glassware?

I don't know what kind of government lab you are talking about off course, but why would they sell the glasswork (and other instruments?) to "ordinary people", while they can give or sell it at a low price to other government labs? It would be a cost reduction for the government...

Personally, I wouldn't do it. But it is your freedom and responsability.

President of the Iraqi Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction Development Society
03-06-04 01:31
No 493384
      trap indeed     

Swim was thinking so but not too sure, swim has the perfect patsy to touch the water, see what it looks like, got the list of what swim wants and the patsy is going to get it for him, the patsy is clean, no record not even a traffic offence, not even he knows what swim wants it for, just that swim wants it and he owes swim a favour.
Swim will comeback to tell of what happens.... crazy

Saddam(heh), only old equipment is for sale, the glassware looks newish but other stuff is old. They may be shutting up shop or upgrading not to sure but the premises they were in has no more signs and its stripped out.
(Hive Bee)
03-07-04 15:21
No 493654
      read this     

various departments in the gov. and various gov. programs get money to function. If they do not spend this money,their budget will get cut the following year, so they spend this money  even if they don't need new stuff. So know they have a surplus of old stuff they have to get rid of, and it is in perfect working order. Aren't pollitics great.
03-08-04 01:22
No 493720

What a classic success!!!!!! cooltonguelaughwink

Swim, got his mate, best mate, what a champ to go in and bid on what was usefull, swim now is the proud owner of amoung millions of bits and peices of stuff, swim now has lots of spare stuff for his constant breakage! frown

Thanks all for the advice, it worked, those of you who see these in their area go and have a look, but as said here take a list of what you want, item numbers etc so you can get a friend to buy it for you, just incase....

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YYYYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Hive Addict)
03-08-04 13:03
No 493801

I hope (s)he is a very good friend, because you just made him (her) an accomplice in drug manufacturing. Also, there probably aren't a zillion government laboratory sellouts this week, so maybe you should think twice before telling us your accomplice has recently obtained some glassware for you.

Advanced clitoris massage specialist. 32 years of experience. PM me for a "sample".