p2e3r4f5e6c7t8 (Hive Bee)
04-30-04 15:16
No 503989
      Plant's in which you can obtain safrol.     

Botanical name:Eremophila.                            1
Vernacular Name's: {Berrigan} Sometimes emu bush & dogwood.
Active Constituents:Leaves and bark contain tannins.
Leaves also contain an essential oil rich in safrol and methyleugenol.
Since safrol has been shown to be quite toxic, The drinking of tea made from the plant may be hazardous and ought to be discouraged.

Botanical Name:Zieria Smithi.                            2
Vernacular Name's:Sandfly zieria/ Sandfly bush/ lanoline bush.
Active Constituents: Probly the essential oil present in the folige, The oil may vary widely in composition and this may posibly may explain the contradictory effects mentioned above, Safrol,Methyleugenol, and elemicin may be present in major amounts in the steam distilled leaf oil.

Botanical Name:Atherosperma Moschatum.                   3
Family:Atherospermataceae, (included by some in the Monimiaceae).
Vernacular Name's:Sassafras, Native sassafras, Black sassafras, Victorian sassafras, Sourthen sassafras.
Active Constituents: The bark oil probly contain's safrol, A number of alkoloids are also present in the bark: Berbamine(major alkoloid), isotetradine, isocorydine, atherospermidine, spermatheridine, atheroline, moschatoline and methoxyatherosperminine.

Botanical Name:Cinnamomum Laubatii.                      4
Synonyms:[sometimes referred to as cinnamomum tamala].
Vernacular Names:Camphorwood, Pepperberry, Pepperwood, Brownbeach.
Active Constituents:Leaves contain a volatile oil ritch in eugenol and sesquiterpenoid compounds.
The bark oil contains safrol, Since safrol is toxic it maybe advisable not to use bark medicinaly, The species appears to exhibit chemical variation in it's oil composotion, Only the eugenol variety has been used in india.
The bark also contains the alkoloid reticuline.

Botanical Name:Doryphora Aromatica.                      5
Family:Atherospermataceae,(included by some in the Monimiaceae.
Synonyms:Daphnandra aromatica.
Vernacular Names:Grey sassafras/northen grey sassafras/net sassafras/cheedingnan.
Active Constituents: The bark contains the alkoloids isocorydine, daphnoline, aromoline,homoaromoline, daphnandrine, isotetrandine and 1,2-dehydroapateline, And the bark also contains a volitile oil ritch in safrol.

Botanical Name:Doryphora Sassafras.                      6
Family:Atherospermataceae,(included by some in the Monimiaceae.
Vernacular Names:Sassafras/ Newsouthwales sassafras.
Active Constituents:The bark cpntains about 0.5% of a mixture of alkoloids named, Doryphorine.
Doryphorine consists of a mixture of doryafranine, doryanine, aswell as other bases, Because of the poisonous properties of these alkoloids, Caution should be exersised in the use of the bark.
The leaves contain the same alkoloids, aswell as an assential oil ritch in the very toxic safrol, And there for should be used with caution, Also can be derived from the roots.

Botanical Name:Cinnamonium Oliveri.                      7
Vernacular Names:Sassafras/ olivers sassafras/ And Camphorwood.
Active Constituents: Tannin in the bark, The bark also contains an essential oil ritch in camphor, safrol, and methyleugenol or cinnamic aldehyde and eugenol, Depending on the chemical verity of this species, Also can be derived from the root of the plant.

Well for all you serious bees, these are the best plants to scource your safrol from.
There is a couple more that swim knows of but he hasent had time to check them out fully and then break it down to easy reading, Because there is alot more information about some of these plants that isent even relevent to the subject on safrol.

Ask no question's, and i will tell no lies.
(Hive Bee)
04-30-04 20:52
No 504024
      know of any small plants that can be grown?     

know  of any small plants that can be grown?  that arent trees that carry Safrole?
(Hive Bee)
05-01-04 12:29
No 504161
      aahhh duno.     

Like how small is small, Yount dont mean like 5 foot high or anything.shocked

Ask no question's, and i will tell no lies.
(Hive Bee)
05-02-04 00:52
No 504248
      There is a form of pepper plant that can be...     

There is a form of pepper plant that can be cultivated.
Check rhodiums site, theres a bunch of info on this stuff.

"Canada is exporting to us the crack of marijuana and it is a dangerous problem." ONDCP
(Hive Bee)
05-05-04 05:17
No 504931
      im talking about something to grow in a small...     

im talking about something to grow in a small garden.
05-05-04 13:17
No 505000
      3 things are against you:     

Climate, time and yield.

Is your garden tropical?
How long can you wait? 5 years?
Most plants yield essential oils at 1% or less. You'll need a lot of foliage, root bark or whatever to obtain a small volume of oil.

(Hive Bee)
05-18-04 00:45
No 507770
      Plant's in which you can obtain safrol.     

Sassafras albidum: I suppose sassy trees would be the best source of safrole. It's just about the only species that grows easily in northern latitudes. You can get small trees and seeds. Sassy is such a bugger to grow from seed - I've never managed it! The instructions state that sassy seeds need 3 months of cold stratification (being kept at 4C). Once sassy is actually growing it should need little care.

Piper auritum (Hoja Santa): Planted in the ground in April and harvested in November [Northern latitude winters will kill it if left outdoors]. Piper auritum is easily reproduced by cloning, taking small shoots with 2-3 leaves. Piper auritum grows quickly but it will probably be quite labour intensive and will probably need an automatic watering system (or watering regularly). If you live in Florida this will be the one! You will probably be able to leave the plant over winter. They can grow over 2 metres tall eventually.

Other species: There's a Japanese vine (name eludes me). Several Camphor species (all from China or SE Asia) - The 'Camphor Tree' is not the best of them. 3 Piper species: Hoja Santa, a Brazilian one and another central american one. I don't think any of these will survive a cold winter (maybe that mysterious Japanese vine?). It's the long hours of darkness and damp as much as the mild frost which they won't like. Most of them are impossible to get without visiting the native country and taking one's own samples.
(Hive Bee)
05-19-04 12:09
No 508183
      Plant's in which you can obtain safrol.     

Safrole was the main component of essential oil of Laurelia sempervirens leaves (R. et P.) Tul. From the Bío-Bío area (Chile).  See: "Anales De La Real Academia De Farmacia, 56-1-1990", [An. Real Acad. Farm. 1990, 56: 49-54.] In Spanish.
05-19-04 13:50
No 508194
      swim has never even thought about doing a MDMA     

swim has never even thought about doing a MDMA synth or something similiar but his just very curious about these plants, Like say someone had 10 plants how much would this yield, like half a gram or 10 grams? If anyone knows of any such figures from any plants it would be appericated :) thanks
(Hive Bee)
05-20-04 19:26
No 508460
      from a sassy tree? you get screw all e/o from...     

from a sassy tree?
you get screw all e/o from the root bark, this has been covered plenty in the past UTFSE re growing your own sassy trees.

Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
05-23-04 11:46
No 508973

As far as i know some species of saxifraga contain safrol in their roots, too.
Once read about that, forgot where, if i find it again i will post here.
(i mean the garden plant called "Steinbrech" in german)

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