jesus_verga (Stranger)
07-16-04 00:44
No 519662
      48 % H3PO3 in H2O decomposition?     

Would this solution be ok for long-term storage?
(Hive Bee)
07-16-04 05:25
No 519696
      in swibb's expereince no it is not     

it seems to me that having any water present with the h3po3 speeds its degredation. i haven't verified this quantitavely by chromatography or anything but even a small anmount of moisture seems to degrade its effectiveness in an rxn. this observation has been noted by others as well. i would suggest drying it with some sort of dessicant as best as possible.
07-16-04 07:17
No 519708
      how does barkingburro store H3P03?     

how does barkingburro store H3P03?
(Hive Bee)
07-17-04 01:34
No 519801
      Swix extracts his H3PO3 from foliar solution.     

Swix extracts his H3PO3 from foliar solution.  He keeps it sealed air tight with some drying agent in the lid and keeps it in a freezer.  When handling, minimise time in the open air and at higher temps (than freezing).

May not apply to labgrade or your aqueous solution though...
(Hive Addict)
07-17-04 06:02
No 519825
      Storage of H3PO3     

Swim keeps his 98% lab grade in its original bottle, with electrical tape around the lid and stores it in the refrigerator.

Swim also premixes H3PO3 with water (50% concentration) and keeps the solution in a different bottle and stores this in the refrigerator. He has had it stored in this manner for a 3 month period with no negative effects.

I dont think that water is an issue, it is air and temperature that does the degrading.

If you keep it stored in a box, out in a hot ass shed or on a room temperature shelf, it will become useless within 6 mos. Even faster if the lid has been opened a few times.

From Swim's experience.

(Hive Bee)
07-17-04 09:33
No 519861
      i would basicaly agree with scotty     

but still think water is an issue, but swibb obnly has experience at room temp with water in the mix. has kept air tight h3po3 for 6 months with no ill effect at room temp. but just to make sure swibb's now got a 10 lb bottle of 'bath salts' in the fridge. no ma, they stay fresher that way. what you didn't know i was a metrosexual? i use bath salts all the time :D
(Hive Bee)
07-18-04 18:58
No 520107
      it'll bee fine.     

The oxidation in solution of phosphorous acid is too slow to worry about a document I read stated. Very very minimal.

But when it's in the open air, and with heat it'll happen rapidly. But then, if it's left out in the open it'll form it's own solution and the process will slow down as that happens.

There's nothing to worry about, it'll get you high for quite a few years if that's the concern, it just might need to be used with a bit more excess as time goes by.

But if you've been extracting it from foliar solutions crudely, then hopefully you'll start using vacuum for it's drying...which will more than counter balance the oxidation issue as far as level of quality.

The potassium phosphite salts also oxidize, at a similar rate, in to phosphate.