Inuyasha (Stranger)
07-19-04 02:34
No 520239
      phosphorus acid     

What % phosphorus acid is in hydroponic PH down? There was no list on the bottle.

Has anyone successfully used Hydroponic PH down(orange liquid)+KI -> HI + pfed -> meth
(Hive Bee)
07-19-04 02:46
No 520241
      Did you ever think that there are MANY ...     

Did you ever think that there are MANY differnt types of hydroponic PH down. How is anyone suppose to know how  much acid is in YOUR one?
07-19-04 18:47
No 520359
      Swii didnt want to get flamed for "naming     

Swii didnt want to get flamed for "naming sources"
 How about...

Has anyone had a successful dream with any hydroponic PH down instead of rp?

(Hive Bee)
07-19-04 21:09
No 520370
      Stimulants forum.... ...     

Stimulants forum....
Post 408293 (Rhodium: "The Stimulants Forum FAQ", Stimulants)
Have a read and UTFSE.

Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
07-19-04 23:54
No 520382
      Sorry swii got too excited when he first read...     

Sorry swii got too excited when he first read about ph down.
Swim will boil his acid.Post 466862 (Lucid_Dreamer: "Scotty.... "Determine the concentration...", Stimulants)

Edit :Fuck!

Ph down is phosphoric acid h3p04 not phosphorus acid h3p03.
Swii wants to import h3po3 is this watched? Otc?

(Hive Bee)
07-20-04 05:24
No 520407
      What country. It is in Oz.... -AC     

What country.
It is in Oz....


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
(Hive Bee)
07-20-04 09:34
No 520433
      you'll prolly get rated as UTSFE anyway     

but here are some thoughts a: do a search on h3po3, there are a million or so posts on the subject. b: decide what country you are in, go to google and type in 13598-36-2 (this is the CAS aka Chemical American Standard number) and your country of origin, this will bring up an amazingly high number of hits. if that doesn't work try phosphonic acid (not phosphoric) or ortho-phosphorous or phosphorous acids. there are a million different resources besides this forum that are at your fingertips, you can learn how to and should use them prior to posting here as it'll get alot fewer bees pissed off at you. yeah i know that it takes time to go through post after post after post, but you know what we're not here for you to shortcut and jump to the front of the line. you wanna know how to do this shit and do it right? then learn to fucking spend some time reading through page after page after page of document. every-one else here has done it and frankly i for one am tired of giving away knowledge to any one who knows how to use a search engine. look we're all here to help one another but if you can't even do the basics of this shit which includes reading and using a fucking search engine, then you don't deserve the info we have. maybe i'm just coming across as a pompous ass, and if so - good. when you have the basics the come back and we'll talk. till then, cheers.
07-20-04 15:17
No 520478

(this is the CAS aka Chemical American Standard number)

CAS refers to the Chemical Abstracts Service.

13598-36-2 is the (CASRN) Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number for H3PO3 Phosphorous Acid.



     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
(Hive Bee)
07-20-04 19:54
No 520521

ok my mistake.... i'm not even sure where i got that from but i stand corrected. but everything else i said rang true :D
07-20-04 21:19
No 520532
      Thank you for ur replies Swii is located below     

Thank you for ur replies
Swii is located below canada.

 Swim has found places that sell phosphorus acid but dont want to order it from "chem suppliers".He is still looking for otc sources.

Is it ok to order from overseas suppliers?(Or have a friend send it)
Will phosphorus acid(or other phosphorus related items) be confiscated?
(Hive Bee)
07-20-04 21:51
No 520535
      unless they are restricted chemicals such as...     

unless they are restricted chemicals such as highly toxic stuff (some of them are) or explosive precursors etc they wont be actually taken from you... if they are on the shed's for drugs etc they are usually let past but you will be heavilly watched if they find anything else in your history like chem equip purchases, sassy purchase, or drug history with the LE.


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
(Hive Bee)
07-21-04 06:56
No 520602
      well if you live below canada     

swibb suggests a thing or two. give up on the OTC idea for now. wanna know why? here's why : currently h3po3 is not a watched or controled chem. but its quite possible that it will someday be very soon. so take advanteg of the fact that with a lil preparedness you can order the stuff direct from a supplier in an amount that draws no suspicion and is large enough to last you a long time. and its alot easier.
(Hive Bee)
08-12-04 07:26
No 525061

How are you guys storing this shit?

In the freezer? I just got a few kilos and was wondering how to keep it fresh before I pop the cap on the Jar.


08-12-04 17:49
No 525135

H3PO3 storage from a UK MSDS:

Store in a tightly closed container. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances. Keep away from metals. Corrosives area. Do not store in metal containers.

Simple enough,


     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh