18294 (Hive Bee)
08-27-04 10:49
No 527813
      How many PSI?     

How many PSI do you think one of those big orange 5-gallon gatoraid dispensors could hold? It has a screw on lid, btw. SWIM was thinking 5 PSI, but that might be too much.

SWIM would like to know, as he has his own ideas on NH3 generation. He has used mister clean in the past, but thinks he can improve on it.
(Hive Bee)
08-27-04 12:34
No 527820
      one way to find out...     

Sounds crazy to me if you plan to generate ammonia right in a plastic cooler, too dangerous.

But if you have the means, pressurize your cooler w/ a pressure gauge and see if the lid pops off after about five pounds.

I'd fill it with CO2... because I have a tank of it. You could take it to a garage and use the air hose, or buy a tank of party balloon helium.

And fill it mostly with water to save time and gas... standard pressure testing procedure.

Better yet, just don't do it unless you want to end up in jail and in the newspaper!
(Hive Bee)
08-27-04 12:42
No 527823
      by comparison     

SWIM knows that a 2 liter pop bottle can hold 100+ PSI, and the threads on his jug are alot beefier. He is worried that the plastic is more brittle, though.

all told, it seems like it would hold less. I asked this question on a physics forum, and got answers ranging from 2PSI to 200PSI. Fuck oh dearcrazy
(Hive Bee)
08-27-04 13:07
No 527825
      A soda bottle is built to hold a large volume...     

A soda bottle is built to hold a large volume of carbonation without exploding.

A gatorade cooler is built to withstand the hydrostatic pressure of water, ice and bottles of gatorade, not pressurization.

Until you rig a cooler to be pressure tested no one will know the answer.

Just because both vessels are plastic, doesn't mean that they share the ability to withstand pressurization. They are made of two different materials, to perform two different functions.
(Hive Addict)
08-27-04 17:17
No 527847
      Hope this helps     

Polyethylene Terephthalate is a poor choice for ammonia:


.....and I am not sure that using dry ice with it is such a good idea:

Polyethylene Terephthalate, Lower working temperature is -40 to -60 Celcius.

