jboogie (Stranger)
09-16-04 20:27
No 531651
      cinnamonium amalgahyde     

swim has found a retailer of confectioners that sells a product called (forgive the spelling) cinnamonium amalgahyde. does this cary any potential for clandestine candy manufacture? its the hot componet found in red hots, atomic fireballs... i dont think i have the spelling correct, as i get no threads in the FSE.
(Hive Addict)
09-17-04 09:53
No 531754
      looking at the title i thought you were ...     

looking at the title i thought you were retarded or high...

Google came up with nothing and ive never heard of it... the name has several chem terms in one... weird...


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
09-17-04 17:02
No 531787
      i was high...     

smileand only slightly retarded. i didnt think it is an actual essential oil. i assumed that it is an amalgamation of multiple cinn. oils; i was hoping somebee may have been up this route in the serch for usable precursors. like i said, it was from a confectioner and not rolab... thanx
(Hive Bee)
09-17-04 19:34
No 531819
      I beelieve the term you are searching for is...     

I beelieve the term you are searching for is aldehyde, hope this helps.

Non omnis moriar, tenebris é clarior