ampdup (Newbee)
10-06-04 12:22
No 534718
      Safety and Your Equipment     

A while back, SWIM had a flask fail and as a result is the not-so-proud owner of a large, nearly 3rd degree burn scar on SWIM's leg that will be a permanant reminder how dangerous these reactions can be, even if you practice good habit's.

The other night SWIM heard a funny sound coming from the empty room the chili was cookin in.  Turned out to be the automated virus checker was searchin the 2nd harddrive on SWIM's computer, which makes a groaning noise due to age, but flask failure was the 1st thing to pop in mind.
SWIM's current flask is a 1000ml round bottomed long neck flask by PYREX, and has been in use a good while.  SWIM bought it used, so no idea how and how long it was used before.

Is there any indication signs, or other tests, that a flask is due to fail?  How about life expectancy?  I tried a seaveral searchs using flask break failure fail and safety (ommitting and rearanging the words)  but couldnt really locate anything useful.

Every time I think about the bottom of the flask falling off and the honey splashing onto my leg I get the shiver's.  The smoke cloud was worse at the time, but the scar is there forever.
Like to try and avoid that again, if at all possible.

(Hive Bee)
10-06-04 12:52
No 534723
      Uncle Saddam is familiar with the problem     

Uncle Saddam has had his share of accidents blush

The latest was a rather interesting one though. Uncle Saddam decided it was a good time to synthesize a batch of 2,5-dimethoxythiophenol using Shulgin's chlorosulfonic acid method. While He was adding the chlorosulfonic acid to a stirred mixture of 1,4-dimethoxybenzene in DCM, He was suddenly taken by surprise by a weird sound and spilled some of the chlorosulfonic acid. Most of it ended up on the bench, but some also on His gloves and coat. However, one drop of chlorosulfonic acid somehow managed to reach His skin, causing a burning sensation. Initially, He was admiring the sight of His fuming skin but then realized it would be a good idea to wash the wound. The wounded part of the skin was completely colorless but became brown during the day. By the end of the day, the wounded part was dark brown.

Better be careful with this substance. He always uses a small (20 ml) beaker to add the chlorosulfonic acid to the reaction mixture. Imagine the whole 300 ml being poured on His skin... crazycrazycrazy

President of the Iraqi Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction Development Society
(Hive Bee)
10-06-04 20:10
No 534776
      Flask Failure     

..............Is there any indication signs, or other tests, that a flask is due to fail?  How about life expectancy? ................

When you examine the flask before each use if there are any scratches (even minute) or cloudiness then retire the flask from heating and vacuum duty.

If the flask is heated slowly especially with a mantle or directly on the hotplate thermal shock is minimized and it should last for years if not otherwised abused.