Analy_sis (Stranger)
10-15-01 21:36
No 224865
      Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   

I am a first year chem student not older woman but mature Hell Im 31 with 2 very young children. I was tacken out of school in the 9th grade to go to work. So My love of chem is, well kicken my ass. But im no quiter and I need some help I need a freind and a tutor that I can ask a stupid question to every now and then. Like this one. How many moles of Cu+ ion are in 0.062g of CuNO3? My answer comes up
4.9x10-04, Book says 4.9x10-4. Now it took me 2 weekends to figure out this scientific calculator. Yes I am blond and I spend alot of money to have that excuse not to mention the pain of burning chems. What am I doing wrong besides chemically peeling the hide off my scalp. What am I doing wrong with the equation. Could some one puh-leeeaaase B-freind me and guid me through, take me under your wing, help me with school work so I can go on to be the best darn chemist in my neck of the woods, I will say I owe it all to you when they give me "no Bell" prize. analy_sis

starving 1st yr chem student
(Synaptic Cleft Mountaineer)
10-15-01 21:57
No 224875
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   

Does CuNO3 really exist? As copper(I) is easily oxidized, and NO3 is oxidizing, I'd think that Cu(NO3)2 would be formed instantly in its preparation.
Could it be that your book says "copper nitrate" and you thought it should be CuNO3, when it actually is Cu(NO3)2?
(Hive Bee)
10-16-01 02:06
No 224975
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   

And just purely out of curiosity, are you aware of the context of this bullitin board? How did you find this place?


I collect synthetic drug precursers. Aren't you jealous? Member: C_F and pyrotek FanClubs cool
10-16-01 02:27
No 224988
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   

Pyro, Yes Sir,  I am aware of the context of this forum. It is exactly why I went back to school after will say 10 or more years. I am in the right place. You See I had this realy bad night mare one time that some bad stuff got in my blood, and I woke up shivering with jaw chattering and running super high fever, I had no one to take care of me much more my 2 babies. I really thought in my nightmare I was gonna die.  After I woke up and the night mare was over I decided that I would never have a night mare like that again sooooo I enroled in school for chemistry and mathmatics. If I said something wrong Please spank me in private I wont do it again. Yes Sir, I know where I am at and I Know im just a dum hick from the sticks but I got guts and im stubborn. I am also tired of getting ripped off by people who know im alone now and think cus Im a small girl I can't do nothing about it. But I can, I can get educated and then will see who needs who. My Chem teacher says i am a natural. A natural what I don't know but It's the best compliment i'v heard in a long time. I'm running on. Sorry
I get lonely stuck out here in the sticks. Analysis

starving 1st yr chem student, Crazy But not dangerous.
(Hive Bee)
10-16-01 02:43
No 224998
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   

Well, analysis:

Glad that you like it here. And I think its a wonderful choice to go back to school. Its never too late. Chemistry is a wonderful lifestyle. Its more than a proffession or hobby, its a way of thinking. Mathematics is going to help you more than you think.

It often takes a serious event to turn ones life around. Be glad that you have the opportunity to change things and better your education. Im glad it was a nightmare and not your life flashing before your eyes. If you are raising young children, I would advise against performing any clandestine chemistry. Study is great, but dont do anything that could jeopardize your children. Im sure you know this better than I.

You never said anything wrong. I was just curious about your motive here, thats all. And if I did have a problem, I advise you to tell "me" or people like that to go fuck themselves. And take a little pride in where you come from. Being from the country doesnt make you a hick. Even if you are, who cares. You have the motivation to better yourself through education, and thats a lot more than a lot of "city-folk" will do.

Im sure you are a natural, and you will pick up chemistry very rapidly; and I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors, here and elsewhere.


P.S. Please dont call me Sir lol. Im not educated enough, nor old enough to hold that surname.wink

I collect synthetic drug precursers. Aren't you jealous? Member: C_F and pyrotek FanClubs cool
10-16-01 02:47
No 225001
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   

Thank You, Thanx for not making fun of me and thanx for your help. I wrote it like the book has it. CuNO3, I will after I get done studding for a test that coming tomorrow or thursday try to find the answer as to it actually existing or not, I'm sure you know the answer but I owe it to you and myself to find the answer too if any thing as payment for your kindness and an education for me. You answered my question in a way when you explained I wrote the same answers and there both correct. I just have to be careful how I write them on my test and quizzes. I have to study my ass off now, I had a string of bad luck and missed a few days of school. Both my teachers are letting me make it up witch is very unusual. All that sucking up and brown nosing the teachers has realy paid off. I don't want to disapoint them They realy like me and right now there the best freinds I got. Analysis

starving 1st yr chem student, Crazy But not dangerous.
(Hive Bee)
10-16-01 03:01
No 225007
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   

CRC lists two forms of copper nitrate (both with oxidation state II as Rhodium states) a trihydrate and a hexahydrate. It's delisquescent (absorbs water from the air), ask your teacher what compound is actually meant. It appears you're another victim of the inevitable typo smile
(Hive Bee)
10-16-01 04:20
No 225046
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   

Amazing! Swim had a very similar nightmare which prompted his  newfound enthusiasm in chemistry.
While attending a rave Swim accepted some "GHB" from a pal. Immediately upon swallowing he knew something wasn't right with the potion he had just downed. To make a long story short....Swim woke up in the emergency room of the hospital with tubes up his nose and his arms strapped to boards with a drip line in each and full heart monitor leads glued to his chest. The medical staff explained later he had gone into cardiac arrest following respiratory arrest while in the ambulance. To sum it up.... Swim was almost just another statistic!
After that Swim was just so damn anxious whenever he did any "street drug" that it just became too nerve racking. So Swim decided "NO MORE STREET DRUGS!"
Now he does his dosing via homemade goodies... all safe like.

I am an individual......... Just like everyone else....
10-16-01 04:49
No 225066
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   

Lugh, Typo, Yes Yes Yeeeeeessssssssss! that explains it all I thought I was getting dumber and not smarter, I was so imbarressed to ask what I thought was a stupid question but it wasnt stupid after all, I noticed that something was wrong (even though i didnt have a clue what) I just assumed it was me. You just boosted my self esteem Thank You. I have to get back to studding now gonna be running all night on pure coffee and thats the truth. Thanks Guys. Lotsa Love analy_sis

starving 1st yr chem student, Crazy But not dangerous.
(Hive Bee)
10-16-01 05:11
No 225083
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   


I was really very touched by your request, and I want to extend my services to help you in your studies in any manner I can. I can tell you're ernestly motivated to learn, and there's nothing that captures the imagination as much as hearing an ambitious new student share their enthusiasm for their future. I don't think you realized just what a remarkable thing you've stumbled into -- the opportunities that chemistry can create for you are far bigger than you can right now imagine (oh yes, they are indeed.) Whatever dreams you may have right now will be eclipsed by what you will be able to do later on.

The funniest thing about the Hive is, it has an increasing number of accomplished young chemists it has to its credit, all gaining their inspiration and motivation (at first, at least) from illegal drugs. Its funny, I have to admit I spent a great deal of time during my last years of college at the Hive sharing ideas with people than I probobly should have (my grades in fluid mechanics showed it.) The challenges that we made for each other here at The Hive drove me to study harder and learn more than any of my "real" classmates, and in the end, made me a better chemist. Life took a strange path for me, but somehow my eagerness as a student paid off more than I could have hoped.  I'm sure you too will discover the journey is more important than the destination.

As for the CuNO3 versus Cu(NO3)2 business, this is a lesson in itself: the textbook will lie to you sometimes. Don't be discouraged by that! Chemistry is not a religion; its written by mortals and textbook writers make mistakes, though they do try not too. Evidently, the focus of the lesson was calculating molar amounts from the mass of a sample of a compound of a given chemical formula  -- don't let that little slip-up discourage you from not learning this important stuff.

Study hard, do all the assigned problems (and a few extra), don't be afraid to ask questions. Make sure that you understand the reasons behind things, and don't just resort to rote memorization. Kid, you'll move mountains!smile
(Hive Bee)
10-16-01 06:21
No 225118
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   

You said:
My answer comes up 4.9x10-04, Book says 4.9x10-4

I say:
Hmm.. no one else noticed these are the same?
(Hive Bee)
10-16-01 06:28
No 225120
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   

Rhodium did in his first reply.

I collect synthetic drug precursers. Aren't you jealous? Member: C_F and pyrotek FanClubs cool
10-16-01 08:55
No 225170
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   

That was the mushiest letter I can ever remember getting. I got teary eyed It was a true lachrymator (new word for me)
Seriously, I did get teary eyed and printed it out hung it on my wall, Heck and this no joke I'm thinking of buying a frame for it. It was inspirational.
smilesmilesmile  Thanks And I really Mean It !
I won't forget you'r offer.     Analy_sis

starving 1st yr chem student, Crazy But not dangerous.
(Hive Bee)
10-16-01 16:11
No 225239
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   

10-16-01 17:30
No 225269
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   

Now this is a facet of the hive that many don't see or realize. Though primarily (an understatment) drug oriented, the wealth of knowlege shared and taught through these pages can be infinately benefial. The things you learn regarding the various aspects of chemistry have so many applications aside from whatever the specific examples may be. Added the various other skills that are built along the way in terms of gaining a different way of thinking which is practical in everyday life, no matter who you are, what you want to do, or what you do. The comraderie that does go on here phenomonal and inspirational. Complete strangers selflessly aiding one another to help in a greater cause, pretty inspirational, I think. If only this was how the rest of the world worked. 
(Hive Bee)
10-16-01 17:41
No 225272
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   

At The Hive, the drugs are the sugar-coating for the real medicine: the fellowship and pursuit of chemistry!smile
(Hive Bee)
10-26-01 14:44
No 229020
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   


Where did you go?!!
(Hive Bee)
10-29-01 00:59
No 229691
      Re: Help Puhhhh-leeease  Bookmark   

Analy-sis… errrrrrrrrr… are you seein' anyone right now? Errrrrrrrr… errrrrrrrrr… does your chosen name reflect errrrrrrrrrr… your… errrrrrrrrrr… preferences… errrrrrrr… Dooooooooohh.  (sp) !

I'm free! An' I love babiesiesblushblushblush

p.s. That MegaMole he's a well known pederast! He is. It's true. It is!


Linoleum: the 13th element!  Now available at all good DIY stores… & Walmart.