Vibrating_Lights (Hive Bee)
10-28-01 10:35
No 229531
      Ammonia gas generator  Bookmark   

if ammonium nitrate is used to produce ammonia gas with NaOH what is the salt produced. Sodium Nitrate?
(Distinctive Doe)
10-28-01 12:29
No 229553
      Re: Ammonia gas generator  Bookmark   


Do Your Part To Win The War
(Hive Bee)
10-29-01 10:46
No 229878
      Re: Ammonia gas generator  Bookmark   

Useful reaction - you get your ammnonia gas, and you get a useful salt - now make some poppers with that salt....
(Hive Bee)
10-29-01 16:10
No 229930
      Re: Ammonia gas generator  Bookmark   

A double whammey........

Ridley is G.O.D
(Chief Bee)
10-29-01 16:29
No 229935
      Re: Ammonia gas generator  Bookmark   

Poppers are made with sodium nitrite, not sodium nitrate.
(Hive Bee)
10-29-01 16:33
No 229937
      Re: Ammonia gas generator  Bookmark   

nitrite is like a wonder chem... lots of fun shit to do with it.  Bombs, poppers, pseudonitrosite, etc

blah blah blah something clever blah blah blah
(Hive Bee)
10-30-01 06:36
No 230334
      Re: Ammonia gas generator  Bookmark   

Err - silly me - not sure how I misread THAT one.
My apologies.
What was the interesting use for sodium nitrate - I would have sworn there was one?
10-30-01 06:44
No 230341
      Re: Ammonia gas generator  Bookmark   

I would do a search on that but i am conserving energy I do understand there is a difference between nitrates and nitrites one is worse for fish they have test kits otc for this kida stuff please carry on I am interested per ussual

(Hive Bee)
10-30-01 07:32
No 230368
      Re: Ammonia gas generator  Bookmark   

Uses for sodium nitrate (from the search engine)
Convert to sodium nitrite by adding it to molten lead, then filtering off the lead oxide (UTFSE for a more detailed writeup)

And, what I remember it from - explosives, smoke bombs (smoke bomb recipe says Potassium Nitrate, however sodium nitrate can be substituted)
(Hive Bee)
11-01-01 08:49
No 231471
      Re: Ammonia gas generator  Bookmark   

Sodium nitrATE is used as a meat preservative. Read the label on that hunk of "the other white meat".
 ANd, yes you are right, crude gunpowder can be made with either saltpetre or Chile saltpetre.
(Hive Addict)
11-02-01 04:27
No 231887
      Re: Ammonia gas generator  Bookmark   

sodium nitrate keeps beef looking extremely red, and can make old brown meat red again.  wonderful "preservative", ain't it?.

Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
(Hive Bee)
11-02-01 08:10
No 231996
      Re: Ammonia gas generator  Bookmark   

Bozak: you are wrong here. It is the nitrite that is the preservative. Its a global preservative of like 90% of foods and its in ever goddamn household product that you at least partially ingest: i.e. mouthwash, etc.


P.S. Still have doubts? Take heed: Nitrates are poisonous to humans, nitrites are not. The FDA (here in U.S.) would never approve of adding a poison to all foods.

Vivent Longtemps la Ruche! STRIKE For President!
(Chief Bee)
11-02-01 16:23
No 232131
      Re: Ammonia gas generator  Bookmark   

Nitrites are the preservatives, yes, but you are wrong on the toxicity issue. It is indeed the nitrites that are more poisonous than nitrates.
(Old P2P Cook)
11-02-01 17:26
No 232155
      Re: Ammonia gas generator  Bookmark   

The FDA (here in U.S.) would never approve of adding a poison to all foods.
This was sarcasm? I wasn't certain, you seem to have omitted the wink or tongue icon.
(Hive Bee)
11-02-01 19:03
No 232182
      Re: Ammonia gas generator  Bookmark   

NaNO3 is  available  by the ton in the gardening section.
called Nitrate of Soda - trick name, eh?

just glad to bee here-----he he he
(Hive Bee)
11-03-01 01:15
No 232325
      Re: Ammonia gas generator  Bookmark   

terbium: yes thats sarcasm. damn smileys dont work for me half the time.

Rhodium: wrong about toxicity? Strange, because I read this in some sort of scientific literature. Cant remember if it was a dictionary, the Merck, or something else, but Im gonna try and find the ref. Thanks for the knowledge though.


Vivent Longtemps la Ruche! STRIKE For President!
(Hive Bee)
11-06-01 00:28
No 233365
      Re: nitriates  Bookmark   

  I stand corrected, but I'm a goddamn vegetarian so what the fuck do I know?
   I guess one could burn your hot dogs down to carbon, add a touch of sulfur and have gunpowder. The dudes on the meth board might buy this one... heh, heh..