1-piperidinyl cyclohexanecarbonitrile , Hive Chemistry Discourse
    Bwiti (PVC-Analog Taste-Tester) 12-05-01 02:19 No 244421
      1-piperidinyl cyclohexanecarbonitrile </td> <td class="text_bg" align="right" valign="top">  <a href="https://www.the-hive.ws/forum/favorites.pl?Cat=&option=add&number=244421&Number=244421&page=86&view=&sort=5&part=&vc=&new=&backto=showflat" title="Add this post to your bookmark list in your Private Area">Bookmark</a>  </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td colspan="2" valign="top" align="left"> <br>   When making alpha-amino nitriles, how can the best yields be obtained? A friend told me that it's a bad thing if there's excess NaOH left over in a homemade NaCN solution. Before adding the amine and cyclohexanone, what could be added to neutralize the NaOH that wouldn't fuck with the sodium cyanide. If someone's shit-out of litmus strips, then are they fucked?<br><hr>  Split a piece of wood and I am there. Lift a stone and you will find me. </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td align="left" valign="bottom"><img src="../forum/images/left_bottom.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> <td valign="middle" align="center" colspan="7"> </td> <td align="right" valign="bottom"><img src="../forum/images/right_bottom.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> </tr> <tr class="page_bg"> <td colspan="9"> </td> </tr> <td align="left" valign="top" class="text_bg"> <img src="../forum/images/left_top.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> <td colspan="7"><a name="Post245189"></a><a name="last"></a></a> </td> <td align="right" valign="top"><img src="../forum/images/right_top.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td rowspan="2"> </td> <td rowspan="2"> </td> <td valign="top" align="center" rowspan="2"> Bwiti<br> <i>(<span title="The user's title at the time of posting">PVC-Analog Taste-Tester</span>)</i><br> <span title="Posting date">12-06-01 20:32</span><br> <span title="Link to this post by using the markup [245189]">No 245189</span><br> </td> <td rowspan="2">  </td> <td rowspan="2" width="1" class="vert_ruler"> <img src="../forum/images/hr.gif" border="0" width="1" height="1"> </td> <td rowspan="2">  </td> <td class="text_bg" align="left" valign="top"> <title>Re: 1-piperidinyl cyclohexanecarbonitrile </td> <td class="text_bg" align="right" valign="top">  <a href="https://www.the-hive.ws/forum/favorites.pl?Cat=&option=add&number=245189&Number=245189&page=86&view=&sort=5&part=&vc=&new=&backto=showflat" title="Add this post to your bookmark list in your Private Area">Bookmark</a>  </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td colspan="2" valign="top" align="left"> <br>   Any guesses??<br><hr>  Split a piece of wood and I am there. Lift a stone and you will find me. </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td align="left" valign="bottom"><img src="../forum/images/left_bottom.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> <td valign="middle" align="center" colspan="7"> </td> <td align="right" valign="bottom"><img src="../forum/images/right_bottom.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> </tr> <tr class="page_bg"> <td colspan="9"> </td> </tr> </body> </html>