mottaman420 (Stranger)
02-25-02 03:41
No 273121
      Extraction of Iodine  Bookmark   

Is there an easy way (using over the counter methods) to extract Iodine from Potassium Iodide?????

(Hive Addict)
02-25-02 04:00
No 273127
      Re: Extraction of Iodine  Bookmark   

H2O2/HCl... use the search engine.
02-25-02 04:55
No 273150
      Re: Extraction of Iodine  Bookmark   

I looked through the search engine and was unable to find a process for the decomposition

(Old P2P Cook)
02-25-02 05:25
No 273166
      Re: Extraction of Iodine  Bookmark   

The answer has already been given to you in this very thread. If you do not understand then you should not be posting in this Forum; you should post in the Newbee Forum.

To reiterate the answer. Aqueous KI can be oxidized with acidic H2O2 to give elemental iodine. This is essentially the same reaction people use to get iodine crystals from tincture of iodine.
02-25-02 07:12
No 273210
      Re: Extraction of Iodine  Bookmark   

