Vibrating_Lights (Hive Addict)
06-07-02 09:23
No 318498
      Photostability of isosafrole  Bookmark   

It is recommended to keep isosafrole in an opaque bottle.  So what happens if one were to set some isosafrole out in a clear container in direct sunlite.  What would happen to the molocule?  There must be a reason that it is stored dark.
(Hive Prodigy)
06-07-02 14:22
No 318546
      Polymerization  Bookmark   

I bet it would start to polymerize, and maybe even oxidize.

Ultraviolet light will also degrade the methylenedioxy ring, although only minutely if it is pure iso with no impurities. (impurities = "degradation catalysts")

(Hive Addict)
06-07-02 20:18
No 318615
      polymerize  Bookmark   

Say there is no oxygen available.  Why would it polymerize. What exactly is happening.
(Chief Bee)
06-08-02 00:35
No 318654
      The double bond opens, forming a free radical ...  Bookmark   

The double bond opens, forming a free radical generated by the UV, then this adds to the alkene part of another moleculem, and then it goes on reacting like that. Google for free-radical polymerization.
(Stoni's sexual toy)
06-08-02 01:19
No 318671
      I don't think that radical polymerisation takes ...  Bookmark   

I don't think that radical polymerisation takes place. As far as I know allyl- and propenylbenzenes are pretty inert to that kind of reaction.
If at all some dimerisation or trimerisation will happen forming some unsymmetrical end product.
But I think all that decomposition talk is overrated, I doubt that much decomposition will happen at all (as long as oxygen is kept out). It might change colour and appearance over time, but pretty much all of the saf/iso should survive long storage times under less than favorable conditions.

I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.
(Hive Addict)
06-08-02 03:44
No 318734
      Thanks that is what i wanted to hear  Bookmark   

The double bond opens, forming a free radical generated by the UV, then this adds to the alkene part of another molecule.