masterofpuppets (Hive Addict)
07-24-02 08:03
No 336403
      Dangerous electrochemistry??  Bookmark   

If a NaCl is disolved in a solvent (not water) with sodium acetate and a electic current is passed through the solution, is there any chance of Cl2(g) forming??

I faked every orgasm
(Hive Bee)
07-24-02 08:10
No 336405
      depends on solvent...  Bookmark   

It really does depend on the solvent used. If NaCl cant dissolve in the solvent then i would say there is little or no chance of Cl2 gas forming.

(Distinctive Doe)
07-24-02 08:12
No 336407
      MOP  Bookmark   

I have lots of Kolbe information!!

I have to scan it that might take awhile, hang in there.

Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety
(Hive Addict)
07-25-02 06:23
No 336819
      Well duh!!!  Bookmark   

To the first replier: Yeah, well considering MOP said that the "NaCl was disolved in a solvent" I guess that talking about what would happen if it wasn't disolved isn't really that helpful, now is it??

To Foxy: Thank you Foxy - any info that u might have would be greatly appreciated.

I faked every orgasm
(Hive Bee)
07-25-02 22:44
No 337053
      Ít depends on the contents of the electrolyte.  Bookmark   

Ít depends on the contents of the electrolyte. If there are ions or oxidation reactions taking place at a smaller redox potential than the oxidation of Cl- to Cl2, then it won't happen unless you really give your cell some voltswink. I don't know what it takes to reduce an acetate ion, but I bet it is more than Cl-. This is basic electrochemistry, study it. But yes, you have to consider the gas evolution, it is a part of the necessary precautions.