FriendlyFinger (Hive Bee)
02-21-03 18:24
No 410608
      Peroxides in Petroleum Spirits?  Bookmark   

Does Petroleum Spirits form explosive peroxides?

Swim used some 40¢X-60¢X ligroin a year ago to extract THC from green stuff and want's to use the same solvent again. After extraction, swim collects the spent powered material, rams it in a wide neck flask, puts it in a water bath and recovers the solvent untill dry.

If so, can you test the same way you would for Diethyl Ether.?
Does a Ferro-salt destroy the peroxide quickly?


(Hive Addict)
02-22-03 00:06
No 410693
      Does Petroleum Spirits form explosive ...  Bookmark   

Does Petroleum Spirits form explosive peroxides?
They don't form explosives even in the presence of H2O2,alkanes are pretty stable,they only burn when heated to some certain temperature.

For those about to synth,we salute you
02-22-03 02:08
No 410714
      For a simple peroxide test soak filter paper...  Bookmark   

For a simple peroxide test soak filter paper stripes in KI / starch solution. Peroxides should give a purple-blueish spot due to the I2 / starch inclusion complex. But only ethers (especially diethylether) form explosive peroxides on storage under light and oxygen.
(Hive Addict)
02-23-03 16:56
No 411249
      titration  Bookmark   

For a simple peroxide test soak filter paper stripes in KI / starch solution. Peroxides should give a purple-blueish spot due to the I2 / starch inclusion complex. But only ethers (especially diethylether) form explosive peroxides on storage under light and oxygen.

Is this KI/starch solution turning purple the same as the iodometric titration they use to determine the concentration of peracids in a solution? I have read about "iodometric titrations" in a couple of peracid-related articles, but they never explain how exactly they performed the titration.

Abusus non tollit usum
02-23-03 17:17
No 411257
      Iodometry  Bookmark   

is the technique in which an oxidant is treated with I- to produce I3-, which is then tritrated, usually with thiosulfate smile