Bwiti (PVC-Analog Taste-Tester)
09-26-03 02:12
No 461092

Can N,N',N"-trimethylhexahydro-1,3,5-triazine be brought to its boiling point under normal pressure and kept there for about an hour without decomposition occurring? What about the tributyl-compound?

Love my country, fear my government.
(PVC-Analog Taste-Tester)
09-26-03 23:58
No 461255

Even an educated guess would be much appreciated.

Love my country, fear my government.
(Chief Bee)
09-27-03 01:26
No 461267
      Cyclic Methyleneamines     

Read these docs, I think you might get some guidance from there, as I think they concern the same compounds, but with a different nomenclature:

Post 414873 (Rhodium: "Cyclic Methyleneamines. Part I.", Tryptamine Chemistry)
Post 415886 (Rhodium: "Cyclic Methyleneamines. Part II.", Tryptamine Chemistry)
(PVC-Analog Taste-Tester)
09-27-03 21:35
No 461363

Thanks Rhodium, that was very helpful! Here's what makes me feel better:

Reduction of Trimethyltrimethylenetriamine
The base was prepared by the slow addition to an ice-cold solution of methylamine (100 parts of 33%) of an ice-cold solution of formaldehyde (70 parts of 40%). It separated as an oily upper layer on addition of stick potash, the solution being cooled in ice. After 48 hours the layer was removed and distilled (bp 166°C) over barium oxide. Yield, 80% of the theoretical.

  So, these compounds can be distilled under normal pressure, and all I have to do to avoid decomposition is keep it away from an acid.
  Btw, what's "stick" potash? What form of KOH is that?

  Did I find an error in the following synth:

This was prepared from n-butylaniline (20g) and 40% formaldehyde (21g) in the cold. The oily base, dried over barium oxide for 2 days, had bp 285°C and d17° 0.8550.

  Don't they mean to say n-butylamine instead of n-butylaniline?

  Here's my last question, then I'll shut up: Could I make triammoniumtrimethylenetriamine from ammonia/formaldehyde, then heat it with a-methylstyrene, acetic acid/anhydride, like in Patent US2765315 to make a prodine. What would be the name of this creation? Any reason why ammonia wouldn't work when plugged into a synth in that patent?

  Thanks again!cool

Love my country, fear my government.
(Chief Bee)
09-27-03 22:10
No 461367

Btw, what's "stick" potash? What form of KOH is that?

The KOH is melted and extruded as small sticks in its manufacture. Substitute it with KOH pellets instead, the more commonly available form nowadays.

Don't they mean to say n-butylamine instead of n-butylaniline?

They sure do, and the original probably says n-butylamine - the above must be an OCR mistake, I'll correct it asap.

Could I make triammoniumtrimethylenetriamine from ammonia/formaldehyde

No, ammonia/formaldehyde first condenses to form methyleneimine [ NH3 CH2O -> H2C=NH + H2O ] which usually doesn't stop polymerizing at the trimethylenetriamine stage, but goes on to form  hexamethylenetetramine instead (see below). I don't know if that will react similarly to the trimethylenetriamines in the prodine reaction.

Hexamethylenetetramine formation
(PVC-Analog Taste-Tester)
09-28-03 22:49
No 461508
      How about this: Dissolve 1 mole methylamine...     

How about this: Dissolve 1 mole methylamine hydrochloride in a dH2O solution that contains 1 mole KOH(or NaOH), then add this solution to the formaldehyde?
  Or, bubble the methylamine from the hydroxide solution into the formaldehyde? Would an excess of hydroxide in the methylamine/formaldehyde solution fuck-up the production of the Trimethyltrimethylenetriamine? Any ideas?

Love my country, fear my government.
10-01-03 22:31
(Rated as: redundant)
(Hive Addict)
01-04-04 08:07
No 480341

so you could theoretically trimerize phenyl ethylaldamines to thier trimethylene counterparts.
use this to form 1-phenylethyl-4-propionoxy-4-phenyl-piperidine?
(PVC-Analog Taste-Tester)
01-05-04 05:01
No 480431

Beats the shit out of me. I wish more people were interested. Bunch of candy-asses, afraid of MT..whatever poisoning. Fuck that shit, lets make some legal analogues!smile It can be done safely, you know, so lets try to be creative.. It's a money-maker waiting to happen, but few chase after it.. Why? .. Come on Bees!!cool

Love my country, fear my government.
(Hive Addict)
01-06-04 08:06
No 480699
      MPPP/MPTP detection and identification     

I have a paper on similar cyclizations, using the analagous scheme.
where piperidine methanols are formed.
according to the NMR data in that paper, no tetrahydropyridines are produced what more proof do you need.
If you are sceptical you can always be sure by doing thin layer chromatograghy analysis.

Methods and Results

The structures of the unknowns were elucidated and their identities confirmed: MPPP and MPTP.  The composition and appearance of the powders from the various sources varied: the sample from the San Jose patients was white and contained primarily MPTP; the Santa Cruz County sample was brown and was a mix of MPPP and MPTP.  The powder taken during the fire inspection of the illicit lab contained MPTP with only a trace of MPPP. 

Data obtained by the DEA Lab and the Lab of Criminalistics for the detection of and identification of MPPP and MPTP include the following: color tests may provide some information initially; Marquis reagent produces a red violet to blood red color, depending on concentration; there is no color with Mecke reagent; the cobalt thiocyanate test gives  a blue color (chloroform soluble) [5].  The TLC system utilizes Merck silica gel 60 F254 plates developed in a chloroform methanol mixture (4:1).  The spots may be visualized with either iodoplatinate spray or Marquis reagent streaked on the plate.  The synthetic intermediate HPMP, migrates to Rf 0.12, MPTP to Rf 0.29, MPPP to Rf  0.40.  All three give brown red spots with Marquis.  The iodoplatinate spray reacts with the HPMP and the MPPP to give purple spots that dry to purple-brown; MPTP turns blue/black and dries to purple [5].  An alternative system uses Merck silica gel plates developed in a mix of methanol and phosphate buffer at pH 4 (100:1): MPTP migrates to Rf 0.24 and MPPP to 0.31.

GC at the Lab of Criminalistics was performed on a 6’ (1.8mm) glass column packed with 2.5% SE-30 at about 200*C.  Under these conditions, meperidine elutes at 3.5minutes, MPPP at 3.65 minutes, and MPTP at 1.55minutes.  The compounds may also be detected on 3% OV-1 (at 160*C) or OV-17 (at 190*C) columns: on the former elution times are MPTP at 1.19, HPMP at 1.45, meperidine at 3.28 and MPPP at 3.33minutes.  Thermal decomposition may be a problem on these columns.

The infrared spectrum of MPPP contains peaks at approximately 700, 770, 880, 910, 1050, 1160, 1190, 1470, 1745, and 2500 to 2600 wave numbers.  The peaks at 770, 1190, and 1380 may occur with or without splitting.  The infrared (IR) spectrum of MPTP contains major peaks at 690, 755, 820, 960, 1090, 1150, 1200, 1430, 2500 to 2700, and 2750 wave numbers.  The mass spectrum of MPPP has major (in order of decreasing magnitude) at 173, 172, 96, 91, 77, 103, 174, 115, 57, 70, 130, 129, 144 and 82 amu [5]. 

According to some forensic chemists (thanks DEA!!!)
I'll see about sending the pdf to Rhodium so he can post for you doubters.
The method used that produced MPTP was the method of Zeiring and Lee.
That involves acetic anhydride acylation of a tertiary piperinol catalyzed by H2SO4 (Bad idea! since both are strong dehydrating reagents, and the teriary alchols are the easiest to dehydrate.)
this method doesn't suffer from these diadvantages.
P.S. BWITI I'll get those papers I promised you regardring cyclization mechanism forming the piperidine reversed esters, and the analagous article proving the improbability of MPTP formation going this route, I have been incarcerated lately and unable to accomadate you.
not only is that chromatographic data useful but it also provides the solvent pair for column chromatography and the preferred media (silica) now all we need to know are the parameters, the type of silica and mesh size, column dimensions, etc, by inference one can reasonably conclude that the CHCl3/methanol sovent pair is optimal for chromatographic resolution considering the rf spreads betwwen that and the MeOH/phosphate buffer system.
this suggests methanol is a better solvent for MPTP than Chloroform.
So if you chromatograph it with straight chloroform you may be able just to elute the column with ChCl3 to obtain pure MPPP leaving the MPTP absorbed onto the silica.
to be confimed by tlc of course.
this can be deterimed expirimentally and cofirmed by Thin layer chromatography analysis of the eluted fractions.
Or the "Journal of chromatography" may become your best friend for the next few weeks.
on a side note the piperidone route is still viable and safe if the proper modifications are employed there are several possibilities but I'll give only one.
when Phenyl Lithium adds to the piperidone, the oxolithium compund of the 4-phenyl-4-pieridinol arises.
on hydrolysis the alchol is furnished along with LiOH.
the alternative is to acylate the oxolithium compound ROLi with either propionyl chloride, or propionic anhydride in ether/thf (Thf prefered because of it's unsterically hindered lone pairs of electrons are able to complex and solvate the oxolithium compound) forming the reversed ester and either lithium chloride and the reversed ester, or in the latter case, lithium propionate and the reversed ester.
since the oxo lithium compound is an alkoxide it does not undergo elimination as H2O does therby precluding the possiblility of MPTP being formed.