BieneMaya (Stranger)
11-11-03 16:53
No 470216
      oxycodone > oxymorphone     

Has anyone tried Epikurīs synth yet?
../rhodium /oxymorphone.html

Well I found out now, that dope_amine who did
the write up of codeine > oxycodone
../rhodium /oxycodone2.html
has recognized an error in that synth from epikur.

Ok hereīs what he wrote one and half year before
after someone had asked for the critical step Epikur left out:
"    Dope_Amine
(Hive Bee)
02-11-02 04:26
No 267917
         Re: Oxycodone synth   Bookmark    

It's honestly really simple.  Everything is fine with the oxycodone synth like I posted above, but Epikur says to
 add the methionine and everything else and then heat it.  Well, I did this and the reaction didn't work so
I went and looked up the original article (what I should have done to begin with) and the article said that you
heat the solution with everything except the methionine to 40 and THEN the methionine is added.
 I haven't gotten a chance to go at it again cuz the last codiene I turned into morphine (BBr3) and then acetylated it
 (yum) to the purest dope I've ever done.  But that should do da tricky.

Hereīs the link for that topic.

Post 241318 (taig: "Oxycodone synth", Chemistry Discourse)
(Chief Bee)
11-11-03 17:23
No 470222
      Anyone know the ref for the "original...     

Anyone know the ref for the "original article", as well as the link to the post at which d_a's text refers to?
11-11-03 22:38
No 470271
      BBr3 demethylation of opioids
(Rated as: excellent)
Patent WO8000841
Damn I shouldnt read the hive at work, took me 30 minutes to find that ;-)
(Chief Bee)
11-11-03 22:56
No 470274
      Methionine demethylation     

Thank you for that, anyone got the Methionine demethylation article too? That World Patent only referred to BBr3 demethylation of opioids.
11-12-03 16:53
No 470484
      The only one Iīve found is d_p`s original post     

The only one Iīve found is d_p`s original post at

But there is only one newer post about the oxymorphone synth which tells nothing new.
I searched the actual and archived`s opiat chemistry forums.

It would be great if dope_amine would come to the hive again and clarify this matter.
His last access was in spring 2003 so he must be still
Hey rhod- can`t you send him an e-mail?
(Chief Bee)
11-12-03 17:05
No 470487
      d_a's addendum     

I just noticed that I already had d_a's addendum on my page, right after the writeup he was referring to: ../rhodium /oxycodone2.html
(Chief Bee)
11-12-03 20:40
No 470514
      Oxymorphone from Oxycodone with BBr3     

And here is a more easily read version of the above WO patent: ../rhodium /oxymorphone.bbr3.html
11-13-03 01:20
No 470568
      BBr3 and Bcl3     

Boron tribromide is readily replaceable with it's little sister Bcl3, with from what reports from senior pioneers here, the yield is very similar, when exchanging the two,.

Boron Tribromide is very heavily watched
Boron Trichloride is very easily accesible from all good --- suppliers, as it is used from ---s-a welding,!!!

goodluck all,

They're are so many analogues that can be made,
It is truly scary,
Even refluxing Di-acetyl Moprphine, with simple acids branches out alot of multi acetyl derivitives,

You can go from codeine-morphine----di-acetyl---6MAM, and more,

You can pick up 2.5 kg of Bcl3 for around 350$US


I went down to the depot of evolution, and ordered the man to supply me enough, to last a lifetime..