gruns (Hive Bee)
11-15-03 07:05
No 470999
      Decomposition temp of 2-CB.HCl?     

Is 2-CB terribly susceptible to thermal decomposition?

over and under, then back to the start
this sidewalk's bottom is the same as its top
(Chief Bee)
11-15-03 15:34
No 471035

It depends on exactly why you are asking - the freebase cannot be distilled without a vacuum, and its salts cannot be smoked very successfully if that is your question.
(Hive Bee)
11-15-03 18:32
No 471060

A friend anecdotally mentioned that he had heard a difference in potency between 2cb that had been heated and that which was fresh from the... ahem.. "factory".  I've discovered a method of volumetric dosing involving dissolving the salt in boiling water, and was curious if I was abusing drugs (by hyperthermia).
Thanks though :)

over and under, then back to the start
this sidewalk's bottom is the same as its top
(I'm Yust a Typo)
11-15-03 18:45
No 471066
      ...and what's the advantage of dissolving your     

...and what's the advantage of dissolving your precious 2cb in boiling water, compared to dissolving it in cold water?
(Hive Bee)
11-15-03 20:05
No 471084

It's part of a method I've devised to accurately measure out small amounts of things into a form more convenient for dosing.  I suppose I could put it into a syringe with water and measure it out that way, but I'd rather my drugs be solid, easier to store and identify :).
Certainly a heckuva lot better than weighing out 20mg and packing it into a pill.

over and under, then back to the start
this sidewalk's bottom is the same as its top
(Hive Addict)
11-17-03 01:08
No 471281
      so are you going to continue to laugh or ...     

so are you going to continue to laugh or answer yelliums question?

We are all just witnesses.
11-17-03 06:29
(Rated as: science is sharing)
11-17-03 23:16
No 471437
      2c-b boiling water     

2C-B HCl is hardly soluble in room-temperature water.

..and snorting it DOES burn like hell
(Hive Bee)
11-18-03 00:52
No 471462
(Rated as: excellent)

Since you guys rock so much, and asked so nicely, here you go :p

Gruns' Agar Cylinders

This method essentially involves dissolving an aqueous solution of the desired high-potency compound into a larger quantity of water, then melting agar agar into it, pouring into a carefully measured mold made from PVC tubing, then once it's cooled and set, pushing the tube out with a wooden dowel, slicing off measured cylinders.  The cylinders are then dried.  My preferred method of drying is a small department store "turbo fan" then pivots on a horizontal axis, so I can point it straight up and duct tape a bag made from nylon window mesh onto it.  This generally dries them in about 8 or 9 hours.

The tricky parts:
larger guage tubing (.75" - 1") is more forgiving in terms of air pockets, but the resulting doses are often very sharp and hard to swallow.  These things dry funny, I'm still working on a way to ameliorate this.  The smaller the tubing, the hotter the agar has to be when you pour it, or it'll form bubbles in the tube.  I found the best way to work with this is with a 250ml evap dish with pouring lip, microwaved until it almost boils over, then letting the bubbles settle just before pouring.  Certainly, a thin layer of honey-agar remains on the dish, but like any spills or drips, it solidifies upon cooling and may be heated and re-poured from a smaller dish. 

Also tricky is getting the volume exactly right.  I said it was a volumetric technique, but it's really not, more of a linear measurement.  If one takes a tube 25" long, fills it entirely with this agar sol'n, then cuts exactly .5" cylinders, each will be 1/50 of the total.  1g / 50 = 20mg.

I find it best not to try and measure the volume of the tubing, rather measure the length, fill with water, extract the amount of water you add with the honey.

As far as measuring the individual cylinders, I found it easiest just to cut a lip to the tubing exactly the length of what I want, pushing the tube to the edge and cutting with a knife.  Sounds time consuming, but 50 doses can be cut in less than 4 minutes.

Multiple substances may be accurately delivered into one dosage unit using this method, along with food coloring, sparkles, etc.  I like putting 5-htp in mine :).
Adding things like that also gives the dose more "body", so as to be less sharp.

Oh yeah, PVC endcaps are quite suitable for this, as they are quickly removed with teeth and replaced by hand.

So far I've tried 1" tubing but wasn't satisfied with the size of the dose, so I switched to .5" and it is working well.

The minimum agar required to set is around 15g/l.  More and the agar won't pour right and forms bubbles, less and it won't set and it'll pour out all over you when you uncap the end (which, btw, I suggest doing whilst the tube is horizontal).

I also suggest doing some honey-free trial runs until you get the hang of it, and don't forget to subtract the honey-water volume from the mother liquor before you add it!

It is also very easy to manipulate the concentration of prepared doses, just grind them up, add water and pour.

There! Happy now?!?!?!


Oxygen: You are correct, now that I think about it I recall having to microwave it slightly to get it all to dissolve.

over and under, then back to the start
this sidewalk's bottom is the same as its top
(Hive Addict)
11-18-03 05:18
No 471511
      There! Happy now?!?!?! yes.     

There! Happy now?!?!?! yes. LabTop mentioned this method in Beakers 2-cb thread three years ago, but a working proceedure is always nice, thank you.

We are all just witnesses.
(Hive Bee)
11-18-03 06:15
No 471522
      I invented the exclamation mark AND the ...     

I invented the exclamation mark AND the internet!

Damn, I feel like I felt when I learned that the potato battery had not only been discovered already, they sold KITS for it!

Post 27696 (LaBTop: "Re: 2CB for the LAH impaired", Methods Discourse)

over and under, then back to the start
this sidewalk's bottom is the same as its top
(I'm Yust a Typo)
11-18-03 09:04
No 471535
      2C-B HCl is hardly soluble in room-temperature     

2C-B HCl is hardly soluble in room-temperature water.

2CB.HBr is reported to be better water-soluble.