Uses of Vanilline , Hive Chemistry Discourse
    Xicori (Hive Bee) 06-23-04 15:04
No 514974
      Uses of Vanilline </td> <td class="text_bg" align="right" valign="top">    </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td colspan="2" valign="top" align="left"> <br> High Bees!<br><br>The topic about using vanilline as a precoursor was often discussed here at the hive, and many documents can be found at<br><br>...what is missing is a collection of routes from vanilline to several PEA and Amphetamine derivates. Swim used the FSE, and came up with the routes shown in the picture below:<br><br><img src="../picproxie_docs/000514974-vanilla.jpg" target="_blank"><br><br>It is possible (even very likely) that my searches didnt cover all the possibilities to psychoactive material. So please add other routes that may be considered!<br><br>Another question is, if the DMS (for example for methylating the 5-OH-Vanilline to 3,4,5-TMBA) can be substituted for MethylTosylate? Would be way nicer to work with! ...Trimethylphosphate should work, but itīs also very toxic, and not as available as the Tosylate ester.<br><br>References:<br><br><b>[1]</b> <span title="Jump to this post"><a href="../methods/000297806.html#Post297806">Post 297806</a> <i>(uemura: "How to prepare hydroxyvanillin", Methods Discourse)</i></span><br><b>[2]</b> <span title="Jump to this post"><a href="../methods/000297806.html#Post297806">Post 297806</a> <i>(uemura: "How to prepare hydroxyvanillin", Methods Discourse)</i></span>, <a href="../rhodium /mmda.mescaline.html" target="_blank" title="Jump to this external site">../rhodium /<wbr>scaline.<wbr>html</a><br><b>[3]</b> <a href="../rhodium /mmda.mescaline.html" target="_blank" title="Jump to this external site">../rhodium /<wbr>scaline.<wbr>html</a>,<a href="../rhodium /345-tmb.html" target="_blank" title="Jump to this external site">../rhodium /345-tmb<wbr>.html</a><br><b>[4]</b> Pihkal #25: <a href="" target="_blank" title="Jump to this external site"><wbr>ne/pihka<wbr>l/pihkal<wbr>025.shtm<wbr>l</a><br><b>[5]</b> <a href="../rhodium /methylenation.html" target="_blank" title="Jump to this external site">../rhodium /methyle<wbr>nation.h<wbr>tml</a><br><b>[6]</b> <a href="../rhodium /methylenation.html" target="_blank" title="Jump to this external site">../rhodium /methyle<wbr>nation.h<wbr>tml</a><br><b>[7]</b> <a href="../rhodium /mmda.mescaline.html" target="_blank" title="Jump to this external site">../rhodium /<wbr>scaline.<wbr>html</a><br><b>[8]</b> <a href="../rhodium /tma2.vanillin.html" target="_blank" title="Jump to this external site">../rhodium /<wbr>nillin.h<wbr>tml</a><br><br>DMS methylations are standard, and procedures are given on many of the above links.<br><br>Edit: references added<br><br>Best wishes,<br>xicori </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td align="left" valign="bottom"><img src="../forum/images/left_bottom.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> <td valign="middle" align="center" colspan="7"> </td> <td align="right" valign="bottom"><img src="../forum/images/right_bottom.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> </tr> <tr class="page_bg"> <td colspan="9"> </td> </tr> <td align="left" valign="top" class="text_bg"> <img src="../forum/images/left_top.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> <td colspan="7"><a name="Post514982"></a></a> </td> <td align="right" valign="top"><img src="../forum/images/right_top.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td rowspan="2"> </td> <td rowspan="2"> </td> <td valign="top" align="center" rowspan="2"> <font color="#FF0033">Rhodium</font><br> <i>(<span title="The user's title at the time of posting">Chief Bee</span>)</i><br> <span title="Posting date">06-23-04 17:02</span><br> <span title="Link to this post by using the markup [514982]">No 514982</span><br> </td> <td rowspan="2">  </td> <td rowspan="2" width="1" class="vert_ruler"> <img src="../forum/images/hr.gif" border="0" width="1" height="1"> </td> <td rowspan="2">  </td> <td class="text_bg" align="left" valign="top"> <b title="The subject of this post">What are your references?</b> </td> <td class="text_bg" align="right" valign="top">    </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td colspan="2" valign="top" align="left"> <br> Please add links to the respective procedures so that your overview becomes more useful. <br> <span title="The signature"><hr><sup>The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders</sup></span> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td align="left" valign="bottom"><img src="../forum/images/left_bottom.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> <td valign="middle" align="center" colspan="7"> </td> <td align="right" valign="bottom"><img src="../forum/images/right_bottom.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> </tr> <tr class="page_bg"> <td colspan="9"> </td> </tr> <td align="left" valign="top" class="text_bg"> <img src="../forum/images/left_top.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> <td colspan="7"><a name="Post519976"></a><a name="last"></a></a> </td> <td align="right" valign="top"><img src="../forum/images/right_top.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td rowspan="2"> </td> <td rowspan="2"> </td> <td valign="top" align="center" rowspan="2"> Captain_America<br> <i>(<span title="The user's title at the time of posting">Hive Bee</span>)</i><br> <span title="Posting date">07-18-04 01:36</span><br> <span title="Link to this post by using the markup [519976]">No 519976</span><br> </td> <td rowspan="2">  </td> <td rowspan="2" width="1" class="vert_ruler"> <img src="../forum/images/hr.gif" border="0" width="1" height="1"> </td> <td rowspan="2">  </td> <td class="text_bg" align="left" valign="top"> <b title="The subject of this post">good work</b> </td> <td class="text_bg" align="right" valign="top">    </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td colspan="2" valign="top" align="left"> <br> <font color="blue">Another question is, if the DMS (for example for methylating the 5-OH-Vanilline to 3,4,5-TMBA) can be substituted for MethylTosylate? Would be way nicer to work with! ...Trimethylphosphate should work, but itīs also very toxic, and not as available as the Tosylate ester.</font color="blue"><br><br>Yes, see: <br><br><span title="Jump to this post"><a href="../novel/000417550.html#Post458188">Post 458188</a> <i>(Lego: "Some alkylations with alkyl tosylates, Pt. 1", Novel Discourse)</i></span><br><span title="Jump to this post"><a href="../novel/000417550.html#Post458190">Post 458190</a> <i>(Lego: "Some alkylations with alkyl tosylates, Pt. 2", Novel Discourse)</i></span><br><span title="Jump to this post"><a href="../novel/000417550.html#Post458191">Post 458191</a> <i>(Lego: "Some alkylations with alkyl tosylates, Pt. 3", Novel Discourse)</i></span><br><br>But I think it is easier to make alkylhalides. </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td align="left" valign="bottom"><img src="../forum/images/left_bottom.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> <td valign="middle" align="center" colspan="7"> </td> <td align="right" valign="bottom"><img src="../forum/images/right_bottom.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> </tr> <tr class="page_bg"> <td colspan="9"> </td> </tr> </body> </html>