lutesium (Stranger)
07-18-04 20:09
No 520116
      solvent free permanganate oxidations     


What is the role of CuSO4 and alumina in a solvent free permangabnate oxidation? (do they react to give Cu metal which does sth?)dont ve need an HX or MX (X-) for this?)  or are they just buffers? - CuSO4 by giving acidic SO4- and Al2O3 binds the oxidant to surface).

And please inform me about how many moles of hydrogen will be ozidized per mole of permang. And what is the rxn mechanism

Can this rxn (solvent free perm. ... ) be a choice for ox. of cyclic ethers? (benzofuran,tetrahydrofuran etc.?)

Im veeeeeeeeery interested aboujt the chemistry on the good 'ol permanganate and would appreciate any input to this post and additional files which are not within the borders of the current topic. ALL are WELLCOME. I love permanganate :)


(Chief Bee)
07-24-04 04:46
No 521236

And please inform me about how many moles of hydrogen will be ozidized per mole of permang. And what is the rxn mechanism

Post 516678 (Rhodium: "Chromium/Manganese Oxidation Mechanisms", Chemistry Discourse)

Can this rxn (solvent free perm. ... ) be a choice for ox. of cyclic ethers? (benzofuran,tetrahydrofuran etc.?)

Post 328762 (Rhodium: "Butanediol or THF to GBL using KMnO4/CuSO4", Novel Discourse)

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Bee)
07-24-04 08:01
No 521268
      not really solvent-free, but......     

If you love pot.permanganate - perhaps you should take a look into Post 518087 (armageddon: "improved procedure", Methods Discourse)....

Greetz A

Pleased to meet you hope you get my name.
But whats puzzlin you is the nature of my game!
(Hive Bee)
07-30-04 05:16
No 522609
      way simpler     

From pure intuition, I would say the alumina is the solid support and the coppersulfate*5H20 serves as water source. The only things being REALLY necessary for permanganate oxidations are permanganate and water, so I would guess that the mechanism behind these oxidations is independent of CuSO4/Al - only thing is that the copper could possibly be oxidized to CuO as well, it is a good catalyst for these oxidations....

Greetz A

Pleased to meet you hope you get my name.
But whats puzzlin you is the nature of my game!