Grignard (Hive Bee)
10-27-04 12:09
No 538089
      workup of 4-methoxyphenol     

Hello.. i have been dreaming about this synthesis of 2,5 dimethoxybenzaldehyde synthesis from anethole lately, and i have run in to some problems..Ref. from rhodium. ANISE OIL AS PRECURSOR FOR PHENYLETHYLAMINE
DESIGNER DRUGS OF THE 2C-X FAMILY. In the C synthesis in this paper,4-methoxyphenol is isolated as a white crystalline product after the usual
work-up and purification steps. What would this purification an work-up steps be like?? tongue
(Chief Bee)
10-27-04 16:34
No 538107

../rhodium /4-methoxyphenol.html

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