moedank (Newbee)
08-07-03 23:10
No 452427
      SWIM just made ICE(trans-4-mar) thanks BANDIL!  Bookmark   

well using Bandil's  "Trans-4-mar w/o cyanogenbromide"(utfse) this smurf i know just made ICE!

Now finding PPA was the only hard part.  Swim is a dumbass when it comes to chemistry. SWIM failed HS chemistry. SWIM had to have someone tell me what the fuck a 2M solution of HCL was.(SWIM used 200ml of the 31.45% pool shit diluted to a liter of water).

Anyway the shit worked. SWIM put a small(not yet dry) chunk of the white crystal on some foil and it burned clean and smooth. It has been about 15min and SWIM finds his mind racing faster than he can type.

THis has sparked SWIMS intrest in chemistry so SWIM is taking some classes this semester. SWIM was going into plant biotech so a good chem. background can only help.


I will answer any questions i can, but everything you need is in bandils write up. Other than all the math stuff, but thanks to the hive SWIM can answer the math questions too!

NOW swim is off the find the meth monsters(AKA shadow people) he left behind O so many years ago...............

08-08-03 05:53
No 452452
      congrats care to take pics?  Bookmark   


care to take pics?

p.s anyone wanna guess what happens if you recrystallize 4mar with meth at a 1:1 ratio?
08-09-03 11:50
No 452645
      Id like to know  Bookmark   

I took my last foil hit about 16hours ago and i still cant sleep!

Ill get some pics up this weekend
(Hive Bee)
08-09-03 12:07
No 452646
      Did you follow...  Bookmark   

did you follow that procedure exactly or did you make small variations? Anyways hats off to you!!! good job.... I wish thst I had some... oh well

"Vanity is defintely my favourite sin"
-Devil's advocate
08-09-03 12:59
No 452654
      TO the letter  Bookmark   

I followed it to the letter. No extra things done.

The shit does make you horney as hell.  Its more intense than a meth high, but im not sure which i like better. The ice goes alot further than meth though. Couple hits off the foil and your good........

starting day 2 of no sleep......the men in black should be coming soon
08-10-03 09:55
No 452797
      ONLY PROBLEM!  Bookmark   

in the last step when you base out your shit with sodium bicarbonate,if you use to much S.B. it will come out in your product. If this happens just disolve as much of the white shit as you can in room temp. ISO. alch.

Filter off the iso. from the remaining white shit that wont disolve and evaporate iso.  Nice clear chunks that burn clean!!!

IMHO i would wash your final product with iso. anyway. Makes the crystals clear instead of white and it burns way better......

meanest mother fucker in the valley
(Hive Bee)
08-10-03 14:47
No 452828
      huh?  Bookmark   

wash your final product with iso?

Just work it baby!
08-19-03 02:13
No 454498
      well after some time on ice, i rather have...  Bookmark   

well after some time on ice, i rather have meth.

Ice last alot longer(up from 8pm to 6am on 1/2 a toothpick line, 3full days on less than 1/2 gram), you can eat on ice.  Youre not hungry but can eat a cheeseburger if you want.

TO ME........there was no u4eah, conversation was at all times avoided. You could speak well, but you dont want to!  Felt like my heart was going to beat out of my damn chest. Smelled like a damn monkey and sweated the entire time.

give me meth or give me death.......
(Hive Martyr)
08-19-03 14:18
No 454578
      You know me....  Bookmark   

I just simply cant take it when my Bullshit detectors go off like a five alarm fire. I would think that if you did find yourself in the possession of methyl-aminorex's precursors, that you would more than likely fuck up the first attempt. And if you did manage to make some you wouldnt come bragging here without pictures.
I'm sorry but I think your full of shit. No offense. But I call'em as I see'em.  Just tweeking off meth and reading a write up on how to make ice , doesnt mean you made it or can make it. Besides, PPA isnt around like it used to be..

I'm a dickhead , yes I know. So sue me!
08-20-03 01:47
No 454669
      LMFAO  Bookmark   

I was gonna post pictures but i dont like having to link it to another site.  Now you have forced me too, so i will.

PPA is hard to find, but when PPA is used so often as a cure for fm dogs pissing themselves then anywhere you can buy prescription medicine without a prescription you can find PPA.

Would you like me to write your name next to the chems and the ice or do you just want pictures. 

As long as you follow DIRECTIONS then why would someone fail this synth. IT IS MORE THAN apparent you have never tried this synth. because if you did you would see how easy it is. 8hours start to finish.

well tell me how you want your pictures troll. Ill be glad to postem. Do you want pics of my lab too Mr. DEA agent. I used a $12 dollar hotplate from super wallmart, $65 condenser and a 500ml Flat bottom flask. I sealed the condenser and flask with a peice of bike inner-tube.

meanest mother fucker in the valley
08-21-03 18:18
(Rated as: flaming)
08-21-03 19:26
      I'm with Low_Jack on this one You said you...
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Martyr)
08-21-03 21:57
No 454965
      It's too dangerous...  Bookmark   

posting pics here is undoubtably a sure fired way to get busted. Or maybe not. Let's ask Jacked.....JACKED!

Shit, he's busy....probably posting pictures somewhere.

I didnt mean to flame you moedank. I just have this little knack for being able to spot when someone reads a write up, then gets wired off some meth they bought from their friend who might actually be cooking, then comes to post here using info like they read about in the write up and thinking they are convincing all who reads their fairy tale that they are cool and they made the shit. When in reality they were just spinnin' their gears , telling tall tales.

Like I said though moedank, I dont mean to hurt your feelings. But calling me names like, troll, and DEA agent only reinforces my hunch and goes to further expose how psychic I really am. Maybe a good bullshit detector is more like it. Psychic is pushing my true capabilities.
And I wouldnt want to do that.
08-22-03 01:34
No 454990
      LOL  Bookmark   

So I find myself feeling like i have to prove myself and yet youre entire being makes no difference to be either way..............

Then i think, here is two people that dont believe someone can run a 8hour reaction with 3 STEPS and get it right the first time.  Should i set my sights on becomeing a master chemist now that I have managed too tackle some basic chemistry..........

anyway do you want both names by the chems and ice or just pics.  you want pics of my chem set too???????

I really feel like im back in third grade. "Yes i did", no you didnt, "yes i did", no you didnt.... "yes huh", na huh

meanest mother fucker in the valley
08-22-03 02:48
      Just curious
(Rated as: UTFSE!)
08-22-03 03:11
      Well, I don't think I would post any pictures...
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Bee)
08-22-03 05:41
No 455024
      Posting Pictures  Bookmark   

Ok, this is getting off topic however, how could posting a properly taken picture, (ie. not having your face, land marks, paperwork with your name and address in full view, or any other means of indentifying your exact location) on a message board ever be linked to you.  This topic has been covered ad nauseum. 

     Yes, you have to upload your pictures to some webspace, big deal.  Is it that hard to make up a name and address, open an e-mail account in that name, then obtain free webspace with that e-mail account?  And of course you will be doing all of this via anonymous proxy servers, correct...

     I personally do not care if you synthed ice or not, I just do not like to see name calling and accusations of other bees being the DEA or trolls.  Or using excuses such as "they will find out who I am if I post pictures". 

good luck


     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
(Hive Martyr)
08-22-03 10:16
No 455046
      me either.....  Bookmark   

You see, because there are many ways to post pictures here or anywhere without fear of someones watching me syndrome.
Here's me and a bud failing at our 3rd attempt to make ICE.tongue

But on the real though, check out these pics that I downloaded to an annonymous yahoo account, then linked their url under the little image button down there amongst the other little doo-hickeys Lilllienthal has made available to us all.
(Hive Martyr)
08-22-03 10:23
No 455047
      Here's another.....  Bookmark

And another....
This one is of me just prior to doing battle with a garbage bin full of ma huang. (JK feds).
(Hive Martyr)
08-22-03 10:29
No 455048
      So you see moedank.....  Bookmark   

One can adopt a 'GET FUCKED!' attitude towards the prying eyes of the established governing bodies cyber nazi's and live to tell about it.

So let's just chalk this whole thread up to the 'Moedank whooped a batch of 4-mar' category (whatever the fuck 4-mar is , I couldnt tell you, but Moedank is whoopin' that shit like Woo!). tongue

Go moedank go!
Post them pics with pride, dont blab about it , then decide to hide.
Hey that rhymed. Go LJ , Go LJ, it's my birthday , get busy!
(Hive Bee)
08-22-03 15:06
No 455080
      They may not be able to link it directly back...  Bookmark   

They may not be able to link it directly back to you, but they will certainly be more apt to investigate.
(Hive Bee)
08-22-03 23:53
No 455157
      please  Bookmark   

post the pics dude, just censor the baddies out, not to mention that YOU didn't even make 4-mar, you dreamed it
08-23-03 00:31
No 455165  Bookmark   

08-23-03 00:38
No 455166
      should have been here gone  Bookmark   

should have been here gone
08-23-03 00:52
No 455170
      these WILL ONLY BE UP FOR THE WEEKEND!  Bookmark   


You can sit and judge all you want but just cause youre paranoid doesnt mean they arent out to get you.  Im a 5x felon and dont want to take another hit ya know!

PS.  I used a 12 dollar hot plate from walmart, 5 dollar hand scale to measure all the chems and a nice alin condenser.  I think its an alin, it is the one with the bubbles.  500ml FB flask and i used a bike tire inner-tube too seal the condenser and the flask.  The oil bath was just veg. oil.  Took the day off work one day and no shit, including the cool down times it only takes 8 hours.

The pic of the ice is after a nice 99% iso. alch. recrystalization, but i also used the 70% with the same results.

TO TOP IT ALL OFF A NICE TOOTH PIC SIZE LINE AND YOULL BE UP ALL NIGHT.  You could stay up 3 days no problem with a 1/4 gram.  Sniff it, i dont like smoking it, but you can and you can eat it, but i havent tried that method yet.

No shit everything you need to do this cost less than 400 dollars from scratch, DEPENDING ON HOW OR WHERE YOU GOT YOUR PPA, and hell...........I got about 3oz from 200grams of PPA.  3oz for 400........not bad

wish i had a lb........cya in mexicowink

PS i didnt know shit about chem.  as i said i had to have people help me the the 2M shit.

well, take it or leave it........any questions just ask

meanest mother fucker in the valley
08-23-03 01:24
No 455177
      Id just like to say that i have been here...  Bookmark   

Id just like to say that i have been here since 99.  I was here through old spit ball bailing on his first court app., then i saw MR. SA(u know) on goddamn TV trying to BS a fckin investigating reporter(hell i saw the bee on the computer and said.........hell i got that guys book(#2))

This was my first chem. success and i have no hard feelings towards the people that talked shit to me for posting this without pics.  TO each his own

And for the people that will read above and say "5x felon, what a dumbass" is the story

anyway good luck to all and dont forget to put up some money for bail................

meanest mother fucker in the valley
(Hive Bee)
08-23-03 03:25
No 455186
      I retract my previous statement.  Bookmark   

I retract my previous statement.

congrats on your success.

Laying down with your eyes closed is NOT a subsitute for sleeping.
08-23-03 04:48
No 455189
      Pill's Active Ingrediants Question:  Bookmark   

SWIM gathered about 2gm worth of PPA from the med. cabinet, but most have Chlorpheniramine maleate in them. The largest source (1gm of PPA) has 75mg PPA with 200mg Caffeine per cap.  Would these interfere with this rxn? Or could they still be used after a STE with A/B?
(Hive Addict)
08-23-03 08:18
No 455203
      Phenylpropanolamine HCl extraction  Bookmark   

Chloroform will remove both the adulterants you have highlighted. Chorpheniramine maleate and caffeine are both readily soluble in it, while PPA hydrochloride is not.
If the caffeine containing variety have no other adulterants (and at 275mg there shouldn't be much else in those) they should be a cinch!
(Hive Bee)
08-23-03 10:14
No 455218
      My dearest Moedank  Bookmark   

My dearest Moedank, I do not know where to start...  You say you are afraid of getting in trouble again right.  Posting those pictures would not be a problem, however that link to your story you posted would certainly give away your identity, if someone wanted to look into this further.  I mean you just basically told your life story, that directly followed pictures of recent criminal activity.  I mean if LE were trolling and saw your pictures it would not take to long to put the pieces together after reading your story.  Know what I mean?  If I were you I would remove that story before I would remove the pictures, hopefully it is not to late.

     I am not familiar with the resources LE has access to, however I would assume they have the google equivalent to criminal search engines.  By plugging in the information you so freely supplied to them they can probably find out exactly who you are and where you are.  God forbid if anyone who worked on your case has already read that story.  I am sure they would recognize it in a heartbeat, and you would be hearing that oh so familiar "knock" again!!  

     Being a 5x felon does take talent, please do not make their job any easier than it already is.  Damn.... 

good luck,


     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
08-23-03 10:50
No 455222
      Im not worried about any of that.  Bookmark   

Im not worried about any of that.

I no longer live in the states, only visit. That story was put up over 3 years ago and its helped alot of people so ill leave it.

I have legit reasons to have all the pictured chems and who knows that white shit could be flour, sugar, ect.

thanks for the concern, but im still more worried about the pics than the story.  That could be anyones story.

meanest mother fucker in the valley
(Hive Martyr)
08-23-03 19:01
No 455310
      Fuck moedank....  Bookmark   

I dont know where to start. Errrr, Ummmmm, nice pictures.
However, I have seen plenty of pictures of methyl aminorex and that stuff isnt it.  Admit it! That shit is crank and you know it. crazy
I'm just fucking with you. I for the most part appologise for the insults and lack of faith in you moedank. I dont know shit about you, but I seen your vauge descriptions and 4-mar , bullshit lingo , and jumped to the assumption that you were twacked out on meth talking shit.

I was wrong, it seems. No hard feelings, eh travis?
08-23-03 21:44
No 455335
      no hard feelings bro, and i wish it was meth.  Bookmark   

no hard feelings bro, and i wish it was meth.

hell id trade OZ for OZ to get some meth.......

Nobody around here has even heard of ice and they look at you crazy when you mention it.  Shit the only meth around is $2000 an OZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(i live in the coke capital of the world! fish scale coke all day long for $800 an oz.)You only know what fish scale is if you live in one of the places that gets the smuggled shit in from our friends in south america.  Anywhere else its cut with......(well if youre cutting coke GNC is you best friend, and so are baby laxitives, LOL)

Im taking the pics down now.  my next write up will bee a ice cook turned meth cook.......cant wait!

PS i too was wondering why my ice is white and my friends out in east texas have the clear shit they call ice.  The recipe i used makes the freebase forum.  I have no idea how to make the HCI forum. They are talking about it in the OG post of trans-4-mar, but no clear outline yet.

Anyway i have been up and working my office job since thursday.  One line on thursday, one line about 2pm on friday, and one line about 2pm on sat., and I hope to hell i can sleep tonight!!!!!!!!!!!

meanest mother fucker in the valley, CYA in hell........
08-28-03 10:18
No 456174
      White is Right!  Bookmark   

At Erowid they explain that meth is clear as glass, and 4-MAR is opaque white - like real ice. Hence the name.