bdbro (Newbee)
08-11-03 09:26
No 452999
      added acetone instead of toulene  Bookmark   

swim had just completed his h3po2 rxn and was intending on adding toulene, however by mistake he added acetone. after adding acetone he then added the toulene as per his normal procedure.
the post rxn liquid is now red.
can anyone please assist swim on how he should proceed and complete the post rxn workup, swim will be eternelly grateful.
does swim continue  the workup or can he remove the tone first ? please help as it will be a shame to loose 100g of meth
(Of Counsel)
08-11-03 09:34
No 453000
      bring it up to a boil  Bookmark   

Bring it up to a gentle boil until you boil the acetone off. the acetone is miscible with the post-reaction fluid's water, and that could be a problem. Just boil it off, then discard that tolly too, add fresh, then base the reaction fluid.

That red is probably just iodine.

Mostly harmless