hexagonium (Stranger)
08-22-03 13:49
No 455068
      A 2 year misunderstanding with iodine  Bookmark   

Okay, SWIM admits it. He is a bee-ple when it comes to dreaming. Swim chooses a few established hive authors, and follows their instruction or informational posts for any undertakings.

2 yrs ago, while assembling swim's (rote) knowledge on the three major players in swim's dreams, swim accidently copied the wrong post in an iodine thread. Specifically, Post 109162 (pebble: "Re: Home-made I2", Stimulants). As it turns out, the pebble post proved to be perfect for swim's situation. The end result has always been beautiful light grey iodine crystals. swim was not too concerned about yields because iodine is so inexpensive with the payoff being quick turnaround. Swim never looked back. Literally. Swim never read another thread on iodine again. Until now. Besides, swim had bigger fish to fry with pfed. tongue Anyway, that applied to 2% tincture. But swim recently found a very safe 7% iodine resource.

Specifically, the wording is "Stronger Iodine Tincture" and consists of:

potassium iodine.....5%
iso alc.....(99%).....82%

So after swim received it, swim  mindlessly set about making a batch. Wow. What a mess! Upon filtering, swim was left with a huge black smudge and a few crystals at the bottom of the filter. So swim sets about trying to find the post he copied, looking for maybe a different pebble formula. Nothing. That worked anyway.

Does anyone know how to adjust the ratios on pebble's technique to accomodate the stronger tincure?

Please note that although swim has read sir geezmeister's technique (along with other esteemed bees posts) on how to extract 7% iodine, pebble's way worked well for swim because when swim awakes from a dream, swim cannot leave any evidence of his ever having been there.

so swim is reluctant to let go. help please?
(Hive Bee)
08-22-03 13:53
No 455070
      bleach sulfuric acid  Bookmark   

did you try the bleach/h2so4 method?

Laying down with your eyes closed is NOT a subsitute for sleeping.
(Of Counsel)
08-22-03 22:30
No 455138
      suggestion  Bookmark   

IMHO Hammer uses too much acid. Twenty five to forty ml of HCL is more than enough. Get a big enough bottle with a lid to hold it all and let it sit overnight. If all Hammer is getting is a little over an ounce, he is tossing away a lot of Iodine that a little more patience and a little less acid would give him.

Cookie Monster
(Hive Bee)
08-23-03 13:46
No 455240
      4 watever its worth  Bookmark   

this works for me but then some say its overkill.1 pint of 7% tinc poured into a 1 gallon jug followed by 32 ozs h20.tap water works fine.3 16 oz bottles of peroxide 3%.2 ozs of muratic.put cap on and shake lightly.then let sit for 2 hours cuz crystals keep growin and fall nicely to bottom then you can easily decant of the top fluid then get right to filterin those crystals this gets me 50+ grams of shiney silverish crystalls every time i do it.it works for me maybe itll work for you.i aint sayin anybodys method is the best but only that what might work for dick and jane may not work for you or i.i remember when swifb first started hangin at the hive he had some pretty stupid i2 questions(they werent then)that could of been researched a bit first.so when hammer told him he needed to do some more reading(which he did).swifb fired back a snide reply(bad idea).in the end after reading some methods i came up with what works good for me consistently.thanx hammer:}

               Meth Its whats for dinner!
(Hive Bee)
08-23-03 21:59
No 455340
      also  Bookmark   

don't forget to dry it out. use a margerine tub to hold the I, then fill a soda cap, (or a shotglass) with damprid (calcium chloride) and set it in w/I and put the lid on.

went astray yesterday on a hit o weed. I'm now here, and I fear, now I am on speed.
(Hive Bee)
08-23-03 22:11
No 455343
      Or a glass jar  Bookmark   

I use a pickle jar and put a piece of cloth over the mouth and pour some silica gel into the cloth and put the lid on which holds the cloth in place.  The silical gel seems to work the best for me. 

Plus it changes from blue to pink when it is full of water.

Heating it at 100C for a while until it changes back to blue again makes it good as new.

It wasn't Me!
08-23-03 23:08
No 455352
      swiw uses the same method as imaphatb.  Bookmark   

swiw uses the same method as imaphatb. Xxer is right DO NOT forget to dry out. after collecting his crystals swiw usually double folds about 15 paper towels and puts his crystals in the middle of the fold and puts it under his right front tire and parks on top of it for like 30 minutes. crystals are almost one solid rock, perfectly dry.

no shit
08-24-03 03:29
No 455390
      like a charm  Bookmark   

Here is a cut n paste, not really sure about it's origin, doesn't really matter, except SWIW doesn't take,want,etc... credit for it just retreadin old tires!

The ratio's are the key here, work like a charm...till a bee can eyeball the measurements later. Also SWIW did not have good luck with anything but coffe filters when switching to non LG long ago and stuck w/it.  SWIW uses a double prewet filter...if a bee is quick, begin filtering the I2/water imediately after the prewet, ie. while the water used to prewet is almost all but not quite fully drained, say about an oz to 1 1/2 oz of water still draining follow directly by your I2/water.  Seems to help keep things flowin. Then just as stated below squeeze dry and carefully wring out. Un-twist slightly keeping all in the original filters put into a stack of 5 or more new dry filters and squeeze. Untwist, discard the newest filters keeping the 2 originals and repeat unless they tear. Then pour contents (clumps) into a fresh filter and repeat or use newspaper roll up alot then squeeze in vice or carefully step on it...Oh _Y God, could SWIW please overexplain the obvious!!!!?   

Carefull not to spill....
"I love what you've done with the place!" She exclaimed in a politically disaproving tone. "Earth tones of orange, brown, and eggshell in a retro tie-die pattern." "However did you get such flawless blending into all the rooms?"

"""""Converting iodine tincture
.........Tincture comes in 2% or 7%.
It is also available at feed and tack stores in pints and gallons.
Mail order through horse breeders supply magazines.
Safety #2    When making Iodine from tincture Wear chemical resistant gloves ,  eye protection, gas mask,work outside,  Work over newspaperin case any falls you can easily save it

Formula one
 1 pint 7% tincture iodine
3 pints of hydrogen peroxide
 2 oz of HCl
1/2 cup of d-H20
Shake it up,  in a one gallon jug,
Wait  20 minutes
Filter  through a pantyhose
Wring out fluids.
Put iodine crystals in a glass jar,
Re-wash four times with distilled water,  cover, shake, pour off the water into a filter
On the final water wash, wash the iodine into a into a fresh filter,
Wring it out hard,
Open up filter roll into a dry filter
Wring out hard
Put crystals in a dark place to dry.
Use a Drying agent like Calcium Chloride store with the  I2 in a sealed chamber
Grocery stores, for mildew prevention near the moth balls
I2 is light sensitive and will degrade.
When completely dry store in light resistant container..

Formula 2
4 part Lab Procedure as follows.

1) 1000 ml  2% Iodine tincture  =  2.5%I+2.5%KI in etOH and H2O =-
2) 250  ml  Muriatic acid =  34.4%HCl
3) 475  ml  Hydrogen peroxide = 3% solution of H2O2
4) 1750ml  Distilled H2O

In a 1 gallon   container (plastic or glass),
mix  1 liter of  2% tincture of iodine
with 250 ml of Muriatic acid
stir and allow to sit for 15 min.

Add 475ml  of a 3% hydrogen peroxide
stir and let sit an additional  15 min.
Add 1750 ml distilled H2O
shake and let sit for  15 min more.

An orange water layer appears on top of a dark gray layer of  I2.
Pour off most of the the orange water

Add fresh distilled H2O  shake and let sit
Pour off most of the the orange water
Wash a total of three times with distilled water

On the last wash pour the I2 into a stack of 5 coffee filters
Wring it dry
roll the iodine ball into 5 dry coffee filters
Wring it dry
 Roll it into 5 more dry filters
wring it dry

Put the I2 in a small clean glass  jar break up the iodine ball
place the jar of  I2 on a piece of cardboard, cover the I2 with a larger jar
put in freezer for several hours
Remove  jar of  I2,  seal it tight, with cellophane then screw on the cap  store it in a dark cool environment""""""
Sorry in advance to the original author for the lack of acknowledgment.
(Of Counsel)
08-25-03 07:59
No 455565
      extra water  Bookmark   

while I think Imaphatbastard uses too much peroxide, I do note that diluting the peroxide he adds with he additional water may prevent the amount from being a problem. The tincture needs to be diluted with some water, and I usually add half as much water as there is tincture. I added as much the last time around, and aside from easier rinsing noticed no difference. Perhaps I will play with the water volume some more. He is getting what is available from OTC pints of tincture if he is getting about 50 grams of I2, so the water must be diluting the peroxide and/or the additional water may help the I2 to precipitate out. It may be that more water than I have been adding, and less peroxide than Imaphatbastard is adding, it the optimum mix.

For the folks that see the old post copied in this thread calling for three pints of peroxide, be advised that over using peroxide will cut the yield of I2 from tincture; yields will improve if a 1:1 ratio of tincture and 3% peroxide is used, and a little more time taken to let the crystals precipitate.

Cookie Monster
(Orgasm Donor)
08-26-03 07:31
No 455777
      Yes!  Bookmark   

I concur with geez. Patience is the key.

On time is when I get there.
(Hive Bee)
08-26-03 10:23
No 455805
      drying and handling again  Bookmark   

Just listen to geez on the ratios, you can't go wrong.

I think your having anxiety about actually handling and drying the stuff right? Getting it from A to B?

What you have to understand is that when you've got the scary messy beast in the filter paper or a stocking, it can bee gotten to a nice powder.

You can get it bone dry in 5min, I'm talking about falling off the filter paper like crumbly talc. You gotta use your muscles though.
Just take your stocking with the wet yuk mess at the tip, wrap 2 filter papers around the tip like a tube.
Around the tube, wrap 5 sheets of kitchen absorbant paper towels.
Put it on the floor and stand on it where you guess the I2 mass is, absorb all the water you can.
Take all the wet paper towels off but leave on the two filter papers covering your stocking...they should still be a bit damp and orange-touch it.
Okay now add 5 more, do the same.

When the inner two filter papers feel bone dry, and the stocking is bone dry-the I2 is bone dry and easily handled.
It wouldn't surprise me if by this point you haven't heard little pieces dropping on the floor.

If you get a smudge on your skin it isn't life threatening, but just wash it off at the nearest opportunity but not at the expense of your project.
If you can smell it slightly, that isn't life threatening either and it shouldn't get in the way of finishing. Just use a ceiling fan or good ventilation.

Have a beer beforehand if you want. Not advisable but doing it while your trippin out is much worse and much more dangerous.
(Hive Bee)
08-26-03 22:47
No 455922
      perhaps....  Bookmark   

I've tried posting this once before, but I'll try again.

I too agree with Geez in not overdoing with the H2O2.  It will only kill yields.  The excess HCl doesn't seem to hurt though, as the environment needs to be highly acidic anyways, right?  The excess water seems to always work in one's favor, by continuing to thin the alcohol so that it can no longer dissolve the I2 crystals.  I would argue that a new ratio may prove to be .5:1:1.5 of peroxide:tinc:water(and a whole lot of patience).  With minimal oxidizer, I would guess it may take longer to precipitate the crystals, but with the alky so thin, the crystals will inevitably grow.  This may be the best chance at the largest and purest crystal formation.

But don't take SWIL's word for it, as he hates dealing with I2, and does it as minimal as possible.  He hates those unmistakeable orange stains on everything!!!

Lukky D
08-27-03 13:33
No 456060
      OOps!  Bookmark   

SWIW was so far out there SWIW neglected to mention the 1:3 overkill..SWIW will definately use Geez ratios next round, as his advice has been trusted by SWIW. Never tried adding h2o first, will try that also....always eyeball amounts lately w/h20 lat a little at a time till that ups brown noted then let sit 15 min before adding h20 dosses little at a time again til SWIW could see through sollution. Decant rinse u know the drill.  Anyhow again sorry, will be more carefull in the future. 

In situations like this is it better to edit so bees don't waste precursors...that is anybee in a rush that didn't read all posts, stopping at the "Like a charm" and following it. Cause if so then the posts after it would no longer make sense?