wareami (Hive Addict)
09-13-03 01:38
No 458838
      Okie Dokie Boybees and Girlbees...  Bookmark   

Contrary to popular belief, Ibee and the Kidz could give a flyin F*** whether or not the opposition is gonna try that much harder when us bees divuldge info to thwart thier efforts or not!
The time is now!
Git it wild ya can! That's always been Ibee's motto an he ain't a changin that fer nobody!
If bees had frye's(boots) they'd  be kickin themselves in the ass if they were'nt gettin the goodz!
Ibee outlined it and now he's confirming it with a gaurantee!
You ghet it or he'll buy yer next gram!
It's that good and gaurateeable!
The next stage is -(-)Psudo! That means 50% available!
They are going there! Get ready6 to settle!
Ibee thought he had something unbeatable with the tetra! They screwed that all ta hell....hahahahahaaha! Yeah okay!
They can't escape ibee's next escapade////\\as if! YEEEEEEHAAAA!
Run jap drier striaght just for shytes and gyggles then ghet back with the Kidz when ya do it as outlined! It'll amaze ya! Don't ferget the three tone washes in the end! YES it takes that much tone to accept 2.5mg trip per pill!
You'll see!
On anything out there! Trip or not...white 60's or not!
Mix the  jap drier with the TCE and it will combat your worst foe!Ibee has gotten that far and confirming reports oughtta be flowin in any time! Too bad Ibee won't bee here!
The critical point is to disregard the Blue(it washes right out with tone)and the swirly xtals that makes ya thin k the shyte aint right! Ibee discovered they threw bees a curve ball!
Trust Ibee on this! You won't regret it!
Naqhhhhh fak that...don't take ibee's word and keep toilin and troublin....This is the kast time Ibee sees a friend burnt UP! He won't bee here!
Ya'll that Mployed tetra have never regretted it so Ibee's credibility ain't at stake!
Do the JD!!! It will leave ya shell shocked!
Screw the blue! It falls right off with every other foiler they've employed with the tone wash!
Special note!
Ibee only falls in the red mud that doesn't smell blue!
Have mutha fuckin fun!
Ibee said so that's why!
P.S.He luvs you bees! Take care!
My My hey hey There's more to the picture hey hey bye bye!This is The Kidz last LEG-A-Sea to thare Four Father SWIMmers!
Peace outcool

Common sense is genius dressed up in work clothes.
(Hive Bee)
09-13-03 02:29
No 458843
      nup, halfkast luvz ibee MORe(!!!)  Bookmark   

My My hey hey There's more to the picture hey hey bye bye!This is The Kidz last LEG-A-Sea to thare Four Father SWIMmers!

Are you serious? Don't piss on the pavement(laugh), Please explain, & what about ware and ibee?

It's all been taken in ware, swihk was already sold on the JD and your post just reinforces it strongly. GeT it whilst it's hot?!-yes. I won't try to theorise how you... smile

ware i found something for you, maybee a new project for you...do you want to see? cool
(Hive Addict)
09-13-03 09:36
No 458884
      Okay....  Bookmark   

a new project for you...do you want to see?

Nice try halfkast...

Maybe Ibee's fairwell is a bit premature and fueled by a feeling of melon-collie (No Dawgs Allowedwink)at the thought of his departchore!
Suffice it to say that the time has come for Ibee to seek legal counsel regarding The Kidz antics in RomperRoom!
Ya can't keep dippin UncleSam's PigTales in the ink well without staining yer sundae's best!wink
Smart is as smart does!
Once bitten...twice shy...unless yer Ibeeware!
They can't keep a good bee down!
This isn't a final fairwell...just a wake UP call!
But Ibee will bee incapacitated NET wise until he hangs an ISP! Getting clothlined twice ain't no fun and costs plenty but not as much as it costs The Pharm in-dust-tree!
Jacked said it best one time..."Self-imposed Lock-down"
Discipline is easier to handle when ya dish it out on yerself...
For a time, WareIbee will bee found standing in the corner like a good clown with one eye opened and it won't bee the brownone!
Keep shakin `em UP!
Long Live The Hive

of the reaction



Common sense is genius dressed up in work clothes.
(Hive Bee)
09-13-03 16:19
No 458916
      I concur, take care  Bookmark   

I concur. Do a good job on the cleaning ware. From information to rusty tools to tape to solvents to sinks to floors.

Get a private ISP and bee tight with the one who has full access to all the logs.
I'm not sure you need to keep buying new computers ware, but do what you have to!

peace ware! love and peace!
(Hive Bee)
09-18-03 18:48
No 459840
      hay ware  Bookmark   

your a friend so please stay safe and sound and you know the sound . so keep it slow and easy or fast and hard ya know it,s a ringing in the ears also . so shift it down a gear at least till the ring goes on by . sleep well my friend . see you soon bro


I'd rather be hated for who I am than liked for who I am not .   (UH)
(Of Counsel)
09-19-03 21:18
No 460049
      other rumors  Bookmark   

Other rumors and report also suggest that MEK/JD combos are killers for long chains like polysorbate 80. Same true of naptha and JD combos.

Geez reported success in code, claims to have been abducted by alien hazmat teams, and was last seen howling at the moon by the river, having escaped into the wild once more.
Rumors of his death and imprisonment are greatly exaggerated and in fact untrue. He does mumble something about the ultimate fellation, but he's probably just doing too much morphine.

You never know.

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